Wednesday, really?
Is it Wednesday again?
Allrightie… into the studio we go then!
As always to start with: the golden oldie layout โ lifted from one of my old scrapbook albums.
(I don’t create ‘traditional scrapbook layouts’ anymore but every Wednesday I dive into my albums and lift a ‘golden oldie.’ The layouts I pick are random, YOU – blog readers – name the number of the album and layout to show. Let me know in a comment which album you want me to open next week and what layout I should show… )
This weekโs request came in via my facebook page where my cousin Mirjam asked me to open album 5 and show layout #15.
Is it a coincidence that I find yet another layout with my friend Lena on? Or are all these random chosen layouts where Lena keeps poppin’ up lately trying to tell me something? Shall we get together soon ‘meis’??
I can't seem to get the colours of this layout quite right on the photo ... it looks brighter in real life.
This layout was created in 2007 (?) and I am surprised to see flowers on it – I hardly ever used flowers and although I am a child of the sixties, I still am more drawn to the ‘power’ part then the ‘flower’ part of that era. ๐ย The black and white photo – showing Lena (with sneakers) an me (with high heeled sandals that I really could walk on. I was a pro in walking on high heels! Now that I’m older, I choose comfort instead – but where am I going with this story – oh yes, the photo…) must beย from the early eighties seeing the clothes we wear and yes, Lena and I are friends thรกt long (even longer.)
…and look at that HANDSTITCHING!
I use the sewing machine all the time lately but I cannot remember when I hand stitched for the last time. Maybe it was on this layout? Here’s a detail photo.
Fast-forward to this week… Instead of working on index cards, I created an art journal page in my ‘Zeeuwse Ziel’ journal for Glue it Tuesday. This hand-bound journal has pages that fold, so here’s three photos from the same pages… (You may have seen the right page already in last Friday’s post – the left page is new.)
Left and right pages (same size)
… with right page folded open
Here’s the left page ‘all on its own’
WOYWW #206
Last but not least – a photo from my workdesk for What’s On Your Work desk Wednesday.ย The headquarters of this event can be found on Stamping Ground, home of the lovely Julia, where you can also find more explanation about woyww if you have no idea what I’m talking about.
I show a peculiar desk today as it has my beloved’s black jeans on… he asked me if I could repair the holes that were in his pockets… HA, now that I type these words, they sound rather funny, ambiguous…ย but you will understand there were REAL holes and I CLOSED them. ๐
What is on your workdesk today?
I’m gonna make me a pot of tea and start nosing around on everyone else’s desks… see you!
Eeeekk… een foto uit een ver verleden!! (heb ooit ook een scraplayout met dezelfde foto gemaakt en daarop meld ik dat ie uit 1980 is…) We wordem toch echt ouwe dozen meid!! De foto blijft wel leuk!
Loving your older lo and your journal page is amazing!!!
An altogether fun post – love peeking in here on Wednesdays!
Gorgeous layout and super hand stitching – LUV that a lot.
The art journal page is stunning. ๐
Happy WOYWW 206 !
Ike xx #102
love your old layout, such a lovely idea to show them. love the handstitching on it! What a fabulous sewing machine, love that it is still going strong!
Deb #118xx
LOVE the Art of Being….great color!
Keep smiling…love that song. Great page layout. Love your art journal pages.
Happy Wednesday! SueC#109
gosh that layout was brilliant for it’s time, your handstitching was good and did I see eyelets also where the stitching went? now that is keen. I used to be able to run and climb in heels there is no way in hell I would attempt it now. LOL Love the old machine it is obviously faithfull.
Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting me
Hugs Eliza & Yoda
Oh Album 3 page 6 36 bieng my favourite number if you want another number for next week.
Hi Marit LOVE your AJ pages, the colours are fab and I really like the impression of movement and reflections in your right hand page. Thanks for your visit today – I HAD to tone down the canvas – it looked like an explosion in a pea soup factory! Have a great week MMx #114
I love your artwork, it’s really stunning. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@130
Hi Marit,
thank you for nosing around on my workspace. I am very happy to have this sunroom and I will make more space for art. I will show on WOYWW.
Your pages are just wonderful I like the colour combination and the wirly (?) pattern including the text. Love it. And the stitching ahhh..
A nice evening to you
what is it they say “man with hole in his pocket feels cocky all day”, it wasn’t me that said it but I felt it went with your smily face
Have a great WOYWW today and a fabby week
Ria #21
You girlies look like such good and loving friends !
Love love love the Art of Being water pages ! Awesome doodles!
I have been doing a lot of hand stitching lately. I think my machine could use a visit out of the cupboard. Only problem is that I need to find a space on the work table for it…;)
How about album 7, spread 7?
Happy Wednesday, Amazing Marit !
that hand stitching is GORGEOUS, marit!
I’m not sure why, but a lot of the early photos in the post are not filling their box, only little bitty icons! But I opened them up to see what they look like. Sure nice to see old photos of fun times with friends. {:-Deb
Love that journal page ๐ Fabulous!
I love the hand stitched details! Thanks for the inspiration ๐
Uniflame (71)
Love the post, so much to see. Awesome pic from the eighties! Have a great week, Hugs Shaz#85 xx
I really like your pages! …that they fold out and the design… great!
Jana #30
Zou ik layout nr. 7 uit album nr. 7 van je mogen zien, Marit? Je raadt het al, 7 is mijn ‘geluksgetal’ en ik ben heel benieuwd wat voor moois dit getal tevoorschijn tovert ๐
Je kleurenvoorkeur is niet veranderd in al die jaren, zie ik. Echt prachtig, zowel je ‘oude’layout als je nieuwe werk!
Op mijn scraptafel ligt de eerste layout die ik aan het maken ben voor Cards&Scrap nr.9 met heel vrolijk, zomers papier!
Okay, that right hand page is YUM!! And so is the left, actually. Lena! What a great page. Isn’t it odd when you look back at something you’ve done and realize you had forgotten it? That it almost didn’t seem like you? That’s what great about expanding, changing, growing.
any page you want to open up is fine with me!
Great trip in the way back machine this week Marit. Fun to glimpse the past, and great to know you two are still friends. It’s so nice when it works that way, because it doesn’t always — which is okay too, but they folks who knew us back when just can’t be replaced. It’s like the ladies I worked with 20 years ago who swear up and down that I DO NOT wear glasses even tho plainly I do about 90% of the time now!
Your folded journal is intriguing too. I am getting closer to finishing my first two art journals and am kicking around the idea of getting more organizeda about the whole thing. I’m trying to resist that temptation! HA! Thanks for coming by – hope the rest of the week is good to you.
I do love that we are always very close to each other on the list!! We were next to each other several times already!! I laughed when I saw you right after me, I thought you may have been waiting for me to post so we could be together!!! LOL!
Lovely post. You and Lena are so cute together! I don’t have a friend like Lena. I had one for over 20 years but we have had a falling out. We will see what happens.
Happy sewing and creating!!!
Looks like you have a very active work desk. ๐
April #147
G’day Marit
Thanks for stopping by my blog for WOYWW and leaving a comment. I think its the most intersting thing about WOYWW in that its bought artists together from all rainbows of the art spectrum…my desk often has tools and for jewellery making on it but also mixed media stuff at other times…I need two desks really LOL. My old sewing machine died while I was trying to sew a translucent liquid sculpey transfer to card and calico…poor thing LOL…I really need a new one and soon as I sew bgs with it too. OMG I love your water pages in your journal and the old LO made me smile
Annette in Oz #11
The art of being is amazing. Love the fold outs. Visiting from Art Journal Every Day. xox
love the layout and the journal pages are in my favourite colours
Bridget #38
OMG such lovely post and journal with its wonderful pages…I love the flowers and the way you stich the words on :)…and then the amazing page of beeing water…I love it and the cool foldout…I am too be happy to found you in big bloggyland โฅ Conny
Hello Marit. I enjoyed seeing all your very creative collage/journaling pages and the fact that you have so many albums of your work. I am just starting down the journal/collage/ATC road.
Marit both pages are very powerful. I love that song and it is beautiful with the picture…intense. And your second page blew my socks off! I love the doodling – the colors, shapes, all of it. That it opens is just a benefit! Gorgeous work. Lovies, Samara