Isn’t it funny how a somewhat trivial note, written in a blogpost, is able to evoke blogreaders’ memories which – in their turn – evoke memories in me. I love these kind of sudden connections!
Last week, I said something about ‘BCR’ and how you have to be of a ‘certain age’ to know what this means. Gill responded with this comment: “[…] I also know what BCR stands for and that’s because I must confess to having a picture of me in the tartan gear […] Gill x #50”ย
Now, for those who don’t know what this is all about… BCR stands for Bay City Rollers, a Scottish boy band from the seventies. Here’s a picture of the guys…
Now you immediately understand what Gill meant with “tartan gear” and where the title of this blogpost comes from…
So… after reading Gill’s comment, I visited her blog and said that I wanted to see prove ๐
Gill, being a sport, published the photo on her blog HERE but of course, in return asked for a photo of ME in Roller gear… Ha, now this is going to be a special “Studio Tale Tartan Style” today….!
I must confess right away: I do not have aย photo of myself wearing tartan gear – shame on me! I did have pants with tartan piping and I hand stitched tartan fabric on my jeans jacket – there was no Internet in those days and Roller merchandising didn’t reach the Netherlands so fans had to alter or make their own ‘Roller gear’ – and I really don’t know why I never had my photo taken… my best friends (two sisters) and I took photos of each other all the time, so why not in our ‘BCR-uniforms’???
Yes, my two best friends were Rollerfans too, and the three of us spend many afternoon in our teenage rooms, listening to the music, swooning over every photo, collecting everything for our scrapbooks and dreaming of trips to Scotland. The oldest sister, Lena, is still my best friend (since primary school!) and in 2006, she and I finally made a trip to Edinburgh. It was one of the best trips I ever made, this so-called ‘Bay City Roller Memorial Journey’. We both made a scrapbook about our trip and here’s us in the Fall of 2006, showing our scrap albums (I’m the one with the glasses, on the right)
Sooo… when I saw Gill comment on my blog at the end of the day yesterday saying that she published a photo on her blog – I took my old scrap album and flipped through the pages. It was still there this morning, on my desk, so I took a photo and decided to dedicate this woyww-post to tartan, the BCR and the fun memories.
Here’s the photo of my desk
(WOYWW stands for What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday – click the link to go to Julia’s blog to find the info and the list of woyww-participants)
Next is a spread about the most funny memory I have of our 3-day trip to Edinburgh: one evening, Lena and I were on our way back to the hotel and walked through a neighbourhood just outside the city centre. For some reason, a mailbox on a flat building caught my eye and I saw the name Wood listed. “Look who lives here” I said, making a joke to my friend. “Oh my, Tam Paton” she says… pointing out the name Paton on the mailbox. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. We couldn’t stop. We were in stitches. For a moment, we played with the idea to ring the bell to see if it would really be Woody or Tam, answering the door – but we didn’t dare to do that after all. So we made a photo of the mailbox instead. HMPFFF… mind you, we were both in our forties… and we could barely walk to the hotel. Every time we looked at each other, we burst out laughing again. That is how you act when you were Rollerfan – and friends for life.
So here’s a special ‘Golden oldie’ layout today
Look who lives here!
After our trip to Scotland I decided I needed a Roller-sweater so in the fall I knitted one. My mom – yes, she remembers my ‘Bay City Roller phase’ clearly – found fitting shoes and bought them as a present. So now I have a photo of myself in ‘Tartan gear’ after all… Here’s for you Gill
It was fun to think back and revive those days.. I hope you too liked my ‘memory blogpost’ today.
… and remember
Oh my… this post brings back some memories!!
Us being young girls totally ‘in love’ with the guys… And no, we had no acces to the Internet back then, instead we spent a lot of time in bookstores flipping throug all the magazines we thought ‘they’ might be in it…
And our trip to Edinburgh was one of the best trips I ever made!! And even now I see the boys every day ‘couse the painting I made of them still hangs on the wall in my sittingroom!
BTW… LOVE that last picture of you!!!
how funny. i’m too young to be a fan but i remember their songs.
caroline #99 (akilli melek)
Sooooooooooo awesome!! I am loving this walk down memory lane!!!!
this post was so much fun! I was never really a Roller fan, but saw them when they toured NZ where we were liviing in the 70’s – the place went nuts with screaming fans in all sorts of tartan gear lol!
thanks for sharing the smiles
Happy woyww
Debs #85
What a fantastic post Marit, love the trip back in time, I remember the BCR very well, I was a huge fan when I was young! Glad you got to visit Edinburgh and I love your scrap album!
Hi Marit…. what a fabulous post – thank you for this… I LOVE your sweater and your ‘keep on rollin’ layout….brilliant…What great memories and thanks for sharing them. You mentioned about having your hair cut like Erics.. I know I have at least 2 more photos somewhere (black and white this time) as there was one with a head a shoulder shot I think with tartan jumper and BCR necklace – but I’d forotten to mention I also had my long hair cut short (probably in 1975) but could never get it to stand up like theirs. Alan was my favourite. My T-shirt and trousers I trimmed myself with the tartan. I bought ‘the tartan hat’ but never wore it – oooh it looked awful on me LOL. Thanks again for making this an extra Happy WOYWW… Gill x
I have loved reading your post today and I have to admit to having a little laugh at it. The things we do and think when with friends and enjoying ourselves.
Sounds like a great holiday and the jumper is fabby
wishing you a very Happy WOYWW
Ria #44
Hilarisch! Ik heb erg gelachen om je blogpost! ๐
xx Monica
Hi Marit – I had BCR socks (nylon) thankfully there are no photos! Love your layout MMx #50
Wonderful trip down memory lane!! I love seeing the pictures!! Great sweater!!
xxD#102 Right under you again!!!
Wat een heerlijk stuk om te lezen,
leuk dat je me meenam in jouw herinneringen.
En wat een vrolijke pagina heb je gemaakt!
So much fun ! Those girlfriend time memories are always some of the best.
The best thing of all ? Your taste in music may have changed a bit over the years, but yur glorious energy and love of life hasn’t !
Roll on, Beautiful !
Fantastisch! Ik zit met een big smile achter mijn bureau!
Nice post! We like BCR and scrapbooking as well.
Oh Marit! This post is amazing! I loved walking down memory lane with you!!!!!