Art pieces in this post:
… and YEEEHAAA, we’re off with the top 2000 blog party!!
Turn your music boxes on to hear “the Top 2000 list” play!
More and more participants join me every year and the Top 2000 blogposts of 2014 are again filled with the most wonderful art pieces. A big THANK YOU to the artists who play along and submit their art – I love you all!
Here are all the art pieces I received ordered by number (counting down.)
If there is more coming in today, I will add them to this post and change the number at the top, so you only have to look at the number to see if there’s more added during the day.
(If you want to play along, read this post for details )
you can click on each image to enlarge for a better view.
#1997 Barclay James Harvest – Titles
Made by Sandra de Neef (The Netherlands)
#1995 Smokie – Living Next Door To Alice
Made by Elvy (The Netherlands)
#1985 George Michael – Freedom
Made by Bianca Kalksma (The Netherlands)
#1985 George Michael – Freedom
Made by Carla Persoon (The Netherlands)
#1962 Beatles – Paperback Writer
Made by Corrie Schaliboom (The Netherlands)
#1948 Alicia Keys – Fallin’
Made by Yvonne Barentsen – Calliber (Canada)
#1946 Fleetwood Mac – Man Of The World
Made by Marit {that’s me!} (The Netherlands)
#1943 INXS – Suicide Blonde
Made by Patricia Guzman (Argentina)
#1939 The Sweet – Fox On The Run
Made by Carla Persoon (The Netherlands)
#1906 Jason Mraz – Butterfly
Made by Annie (The Netherlands)
#1896 Roy Orbison – Only The Lonely
Made by Anne Gaffney-Iehl (USA)
#1885 Raymond van het Groenewoud – Twee Meisjes
Made by Yvonne Koops (The Netherlands)
#1869 Caro Emerald – Tangled Up
Made by Willy Duit (The Netherlands)
#1863 Bots – 7 Dagen Lang
Made by Elvy (The Netherlands)
#1860 Creedence Clearwater Revival – Up Around the Bend
Made by Michelle LaPoint – Rydell (USA)
Wow, what a kick-off!
Love them all. Got a slow start but will catch up with the rest of the week. Can’t wait to see what everyone does. Some of these were on my list to do. Love their perspective on it.
Voor de eerste keer dat ik niet meedoe, voelt toch een beetje vreemd. Ik ben hard aan het werk aan mijn jaarkalender, vandaar…
Wél heel leuk om al die kunstwerkjes van jou en alle anderen te zien!! Ik kom alle dagen even kijken hoor!
This is so much fun!!!! After finishing my “Santa” duties this morning, checking the blog party is the first thing I did. Fantastic pieces! Such variety!
What a great pages this first day
Het is weer heerlijk om dit mee te mogen maken.
leuk om een song uit te zoeken en weer wat erbij te verzinnen.
Ik geniet van al jullie pagina’s.
Geweldige aftrap, dat belooft wat!
Wat een gave inzendingen! En wat leuk om te zien hoe Carla haar art journal gemaakt heeft op basis van Freedom net als ik, zo anders, en zo leuk om te zien! De art journals ‘Fallin’, ‘Man of the world’, ‘Tangled up’ en ‘Zeven dagen lang’ en ‘ up around the world’ vind ik het gaafste 🙂 Wat super dat je dit weer organiseert Marit!!