Art pieces in this post:
Turn your music boxes on to hear “the Top 2000 list” play!
Today is the last day of the Top 2000 – and we go out with a BANG! So many beautiful songs will play on the radio today, and so many beautiful art pieces came in for this last blogparty-post… (and still there’s more coming in, people also still submit pieces with ‘higher numbers’ to go in former post… so even if you’ve seen last week’s posts, check them out for new art as well.) And now, let’s not hesitate: go see all the awesomeness in today’s post
If there is more coming in today, I will add them to this post and change the number at the top, so you only have to look at the number to see if there’s more added during the day.
(If you want to play along you better hurry, ’cause this is the last day that the Top 2000 is playing… but anyway, if you think you can manage that, read this post for details )
you can click on each image to enlarge for a better view.
#249 Freddie Mercury – Barcelona
Made by Patricia Guzmán (Argentina)
#216 Carlos Santana – Samba Pa Ti
Made by Kitty (The Netherlands)
#171 Pink Floyd – Echoes
Made by Joke O. (The Netherlands)
#171 Pink Floyd – Echoes
Made by Marit {that’s me!} (The Netherlands)
#165 The Scene – Iedereen Is Van De Wereld
Made by Bianca Kalksma (The Netherlands)
#148 The Beatles – A Day In The Life
Made by Roos in’t Velt aka Teken-A-Thon (The Netherlands)
#147 Nirvana – Come As You Are
Made by Elvy (The Netherlands)
#127 Abba – Dancing Queen
Made by Annie (The Netherlands)
#112 Mark & Clark Band – Worn Down Piano
Made by Yvonne Koops (The Netherlands)
#108 The Beatles – Blackbird
Made by Elvy (The Netherlands)
#90 Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky
Made by Sandra de Neef (The Netherlands)
#88 Adele – Rolling In TheDeep
Made by Yvonne Barentsen – Calliber (Canada)
#82 Dotan – Home
Made by Linda Sloterdijk (The Netherlands)
#60 Klein Orkest – De Muur
Made by Marius (The Netherlands)
#51 Toto – Africa
Made by Roos in’t Velt aka Teken-A-Thon (The Netherlands)
#20 Coldplay – Clocks
Made by Carla Persoon (The Netherlands)
#7 Billy Joel – Pianoman
Made by Monique Smit (The Netherlands)
#2 Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody
Made by Willy Duit (The Netherlands)
#1 Eagles – Hotel California
Made by Corrie Schaliboom (The Netherlands)
Marit, bedankt dat we ook in 2014 weer met dit mooie project mee mochten doen !
Heb ervan genoten, net als vele anderen….
Groetjes en een goed en crea 2015
Oh wat een gave zijn het weer! Samba, Worn down piano, blackbird, rolling in the deep vind ik echt super, maar eigenlijk vind ik alles super 🙂 Dank je wel Marit dat je dit feestje weer gaf dit jaar!!
Thanks to you Marit, for organising this wonderful top2000 blogparty again! I Wish you and your beloved all the best for the coming year.
Was weer super gezellig en al die mooie pagina’s. Bedankt voor de organisatie. Groetjes Carla
Ik heb er maar twee gemaakt maar wat was het weer lekker om een poosje te ‘kliederen’ 😉
Hulde aan jou Marit dat je dit weer georganiseerd hebt!
I see that your beloved played along as well. How fun. I always feel a little sad when the Top 2000 is over, but it ended with two fabulous songs. Until next year, my friend (which is only 17 hours away. Best wishes for the new year.
Ik vond het weer geweldig om mee te doen en wat zijn er weer prachtige uitwerkingen gemaakt.
Bedankt voor dit feestje Marit !
Bedankt voor de uitdaging het isme dit jaar drie keer gelukt. fijne jaarwisseling en een creatief 2015
Wat een prachtige werken! Bedankt voor dit gave feestje Marit!
Bedankt voor dit gave initiatief, jammer genoeg kwam ik gisteren pas achter het bestaan hiervan. Ik heb er toch 2 kunnen maken. Volgend jaar houd ik het in de gaten en doe dan met volle enthousiasme weer mee. GEWELDIG. Een heel gezellig uiteinde en een SUPER 2015.
Dear Marit:
thanks for this great opportunity of recreating brilliant songs, and sharing our art.
It’s been a pleasure to participate once again.
Ready for 2015 challenge.
Happy New Year to you and to loved ones.
Happy New year to everybody!!!
Oh, Marit I’m so bummed that I missed the party after day one! I was out of town for Christmas and then came home to a sick cat – things have been crazy! I did post my page one finally – just a tad late! Everyone’s pages look gorgeous as always! Thanks for organizing the party! Hugs and Happy New Year!