For a few years I follow the ‘Urban Sketching Walcheren’ group on Facebook. It’s a local group of sketchers that organize different events on a regular base. I wanted to join them on one of those sketching-events for quite some time now but the dates or places never seem to fit me… until a week ago. We came together, a bunch of women and one man, in the Cinema-café where a long table waited for us. The theme was not really ‘urban’ this time, because the weather is not suitable for sitting outside lately. This time we were supposed to draw each other.
Here’s (some of my) results:
And here’s an overview of sketches that the participants made:
We had great fun sketching each other and it was good practice for me. To sketch and draw more is one of my goals for next year and I hope to join this group more often in 2024.
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