Hi there lovely ones… are you there?! I appologize for not visiting you last week. Day’s fly by and before I know it, it’s another Wednesday. I DID, however, visited Jan (LLJ) last weekend and saw all the pictures of the anniversary-crop – what a fantastic day you girls must have had!
And now it’s on to the regular desk-sharing again… here’s mine.
Last week, Elizabeth (Altered Book Lover) asked me “(…) what is the “thing” to the right of your water? It is metal and has “curls” on it. Looks like it’s in back of a tuna type can.” The ‘thing’ (I don’t know what it’s called either) wasn’t in use last week so I understand your curiosity Elizabeth… with the brushes hanging in, it’s purpose becomes more clear…
It’s for hanging wet brushes so they can drip and dry…
The day that some (a lot) of you were at the crop, I spend the afternoon with my former neighbour Frederika and we went into town to go ‘Urban Sketching.’ There was a choir-festival in town and there were all kind of choirs (pop, a capella, classic, religious) on every corner and square. We visited the old Abbey and sat in the beautiful, botanical garden courtyard while behind our backs, in the old course of the Abbey, a choir was singing. Here’s a photo of Frederika (see the people behind the windows? That’s where the choir sang..)
This is the scenery she’s sketching.
And here’s the sketch she made.
Later, we went to the Abbey-square where they put up tables where we could sit, drink coffee and I pulled out my watercolors.
It was a sunny day and it was so nice to sit under the big trees, watch the people and listen to the choir.
It tried to capture the ‘feel’ of this scenery in a sketch
We had a wonderful day, Frederika and I. We will defenitely do this again someday soon! And since I got enthusiastic about “Urban Sketching,” there is a Quirky Dutch Summer post in the make about this topic. Speaking about Quirky Dutch Summer…
It’s creative, it’s inspiring, it’s educational, it’s fun and it’s for free!
YOU DON’T WANNA MISS IT!!! (see top menu of this blog or click the link.)
Hi Marit, what a beautiful area your friend was sketching! Glorious building. Love her sketch too. Nice photo of you and your watercolours, and love the sketch you’ve done, it really does capture the ‘feel’ of the day. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X
So glad you came along. It turned out to be a great afternoon while the choirs were enjoying themselves singing and we were enjoying ourselves drawing/painting and having fun. There will definitely be a next time…….
Urban sketching sounds so cool – you look like a true artist in their element, Marit! My heart skipped a beat when I saw QDS is starting on the 10th, but then I realised my deadline is July 15th, not June 15th, phew!
Love the ”sketches” that both of you made. What a great way to spend a sunny day!
Oh, I wish I lived nearer to have come and sketched with you – I really love doing those quick, off the cuff sketches and paintings. Your’s are fab and really reflect the people and the atmosphere.
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx
wow Marit, what a great weekend you had too!Great sketching by both of you.. Perhaps we should have a crop over there one time! Helen #2
I love both those sketches – they convey such beauty and warmth. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#9)
Super, dat je op het Abdijplein zat te werken! En wat een sprekend resultaat leverde dat op.
De schets van Frederika is heel goed.
Heerlijk zo’n dag; dat is er eentje “om-in-te-lijsten”.
Hi Marit what a glorious day you had. I’m a bit late tonight but better late than never I guess. Wishing you a happy woyww, what’s left of it. Angela x17x
I am so sorry to have taken so long to visit. Unfortunately, my electricity was off this afternoon and into the night due to the storms. Now it is back on and I’m trying to play catch up.
Thank you for explaining the “thing” to all of us. That is unique and really quite handy. Looks like you had your own “:crop” on Saturday with a like minded friend. I can’t wait for Quirky Dutch Summer to begin, too. Happy WOYWW from #3.
What a lovely day you both had. Great to see the sketches with the corresponding photos of the scene. Lovely art work. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1
I like the sound of urban sketching and I just loved the sketch Frederika did and then we came to you and your sketch book. Fabulous sketching and watercolours Marit. I was almost there with you as I remember two years ago visiting Amersfoort after the show at Nijerk and there was a choir contest on. Choirs were in every square in the city. We did not do what we had planned to do, we just joined in the singing although we had to “La la la” to it. I still have my purple kite covered in black lace which I bought to help fund the next choir festival.
Looks as if you had a wonderful time, and the weather was so nice.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx
Sorry I’m late Marit my dear! What a lovely day you had with Federika, all that sunshine and laid back sketching. I bet the music was amazing as a soundtrack to your workings! I don’t know what the paintbrush holder thingy is called either, but isn’t it a devilishly good idea!