Happy Valentine’s Day dear ones!
… And happy it is, ’cause temperatures rose above zero, the ice melted
and our drain pipe is open! There’s not much damage (one small crack
in the pipe) and we will replace it for a wider pipe in Spring.
I already loaded the washing machine twice and a big pile of laundry
hangs drying upstairs, the house smells like a laundromat!
More happiness… but let’s save some for the end of this post and
start with the cards first. As you can see, I made some cards in the
past days. Yes, SOME (that is more then one! I was on a roll…)
(The design of the ‘heart cards’ was inspired by – among others –
Lena and Julie Fei-Fan)
The card that I began
my blogpost with was
made for my mom and dad.
If the postman does his work
(which he normally does not,
Dutch postal services are
a disaster!) they will receive it
I also made a card for
my aunt. Her birthday
was last Saturday – Yep,
I’m too late – so the image
of the white rabbit with
his watch (Graphic 45 –
‘Halowe’en in Wonderland’)
fitted perfectly!
Happy belated B-day
More birthdays
the son of
my friend Lena
turns 14
I made him
a ‘cool card’.
would say
I also submit
this ‘card’ to
Each Card is
Their challenge was
to make a male card,
and isn’t this a real
male card?
(Hmm, now that I
come think of it –
maybe it’s more
like an ultimate
FEMALE card!?
Like every Tuesday – here’s my weekly page
(Click on the image to enlarge)
The Chronicles of Marit 2012 – Week 6
(Size: 24,5 x 49 cm - 9.65 x 14.86 inch)
At the end of this post I like to share some more happiness with you…
when you take a look at the preview of FEATURING magazine you will
understand why I’m so cheerful!
Don’t you think it’s awesome you can (digitally) flip through some
pages already?! It will be even more beautiful when it is printed!
Don’t you love the feel and smell of real paper pages?
I’m so happy with the way this magazine is going to look!
And I have the best team!!!
They are so inspiring and work real hard to get this baby going
and packed with great articles. My team deserves some cheering,
especially on Valentine’s Day, so THANK YOU:
Annemarie, Julie, Marcia, Katie and of course our designer Marius
– who did a great job creating the digital preview!
Enjoy this special day dear ones…
give a hug to someone,
anyone! XOXOXO
Love love love love your cards! And can’t wait to see the magazine!! So exciting!!
Thank you Marit – it’s always nice to hear you’re appreciated!
And I agree – the magazine is looking great and will be even more lovely when you get to hold it in your hands.
Julie 🙂
oh so much beauty! love the cards that first one is perfect for today!!
the magazine is looking amazing, i’d love a copy…
xo sandra
Beautiful cards! The magazine looks great, too!
Thank you for the preview!! you have me hooked! I can’t wait for you to say we can buy it. It really looks amazing!!
Happy Valentines Day! I will be answering your email very soon!!
The cards came out great. I was very excited when the magazine preview came out. It makes all the work worth the while. I can only imagine how I will feel when I have paper in hand. I am sure my coworkers will, “That’s enough already!” (Appropriate exclamation point inserted.) 🙂 Happy Laundry Day! Love Annemarie
LOVE the first card and the rest are SO COOL~! Off to look at the magazine you linked up – have a wonderful day!
Excited to see the full magazine! lovely cards
Wat een super mooie kaart.
sorry mijn engels is niet je van het. het kaartje is erg mooi.
Wow Featuring ziet er geweldig uit, een hele ‘cleane’ look. Mooi. Leuk dat er blijkbaar ook aandacht voor werkruimten in is.
Mooie kaarten en een mooi spread. Dat plaatje heb ik ook ergens, Happinez of Flow?
Marit! Ik was verbaast om te lezen dat je een kaart gemaakt had! Maar het is echt een echte mannenkaart 🙂 past perfect bij de challenge, leuk!! En die valentijnskaart/pagina… prachtig!! Wow! Binnenkort komt mijn eerste art journal van dit jaar (ik wil er elke maand één gaan maken) op mijn blog. Het is een vrij strakke art journal met veel tekst, maar ik had nu eenmaal ook veel leuke dingen beleefd die ik allemaal persé op de pagina wilde beschrijven 😉 … Veel succes met de activiteiten voor het magazine!! 🙂
Je kaart was precies op tijd hoor!! Hij staat vooraan bij de andere kaarten te pronken!! Bedankt namens Liam!!
Prachtige Valentijns werken en art journal page!!
En ik heb het al eerder gezegd… ik ben erg onder de indruk van de Featuring preview! Ben het met de anderen eens dat een gedrukt exemplaar vast nóg veel mooier is!!!
leuk zo’n valentijnskaart en heb je nieuwe featuring preview bekeken, ziet er ook fantastisch uit !
Magazine is looking awesome ! As are your pages. I just love them.
Sending big bunches of love your way !
Featuring ziet er super uit!
Prachtige kaarten Marit! En je Chronicles page is weer top!