As promised… here I am!!!
And yes, I got a lot done yesterday.
Can’t show you all (some things are for a customer, and some pages
aren’t finished yet) but I do have some list-pages and a big collage to show.
First I want to show you the lovely gift Rosie send me!
I saw these fingerless gloves (Rosie calls them ‘wristies’) on her blog
early March, and I said to her that I should make myself a pair to wear at
the computer – ’cause really – I’m such a ‘koukleum’ (which is Dutch and it
can be translated as ‘chilly person’ – it has the words ‘cold’ and ‘shiver’ in one.)
Awesome Rosie didn’t tell me a thing, but made a pair for me and put it in
a big envelope together with a beautiful handmade card!
Can you imagine how happily surprised I was when the package arrived?
She wrote “I felt so sad for you when you said how you’re always cold and
I still had some “waistcoat” left, so I made them up!” How sweet is that?
They now lay next to the computer so I can look at them and use them
every time I get cold! Thank you so much Rosie – I’m over the moon happy!
I made a few ‘list pages’ last week.
Some took a lot of work, and some were done in no time.
I like how my ’28 lists’ book is growing with whimsical pages of all sorts…
List #12 – Weekly rituals
(I cut the image from a magazine once, because I found it hilarious…
this was the perfect page for it!)
List #14 – Thinks I love about ———————–
(You had to fill it in yourself, and I thought it would be nice
to add a zentangling page to my list album!)
List #16 – Places to see in your hometown
(Middelburg is not the city I live in, but since my heart is still in Zeeland
I found it more fun to take that town for this prompt.)
I have more list-pages, but I save a few for next week.
I don’t want to overfeed you with lists…
The next collage is made in my ‘big’ Art Journal (9,8 x 13,8 inch)
I started this page on Thursday, and finished it yesterday (that’s why my
‘Friday post’ was delayed, I wanted to work on this before the light would fade –
we’re still in ‘Wintertime’ overhere you see…)
Today, I did some laundry and cut my beloved’s hair (yep, I do that!)
The sun is shining brightly and it feels like Spring. The tree in the front yard
turned green overnight! Yesterday you could only see little leave-buds,
but they all woke up this morning and and raised their heads from under the
blankets. When I opened the curtains, they waved cheerfully at me.
It was a very nice ‘welcome’ to start the weekend!
I have hope that in a few weeks, I will be able to sit in the evening sun after
diner, having coffee and read the book that’s been waiting patiently to be read…
I might shiver a bit in the evening sun, but I have a blanket ánd the ‘wristies’….
I’m looking forward to it already!
I hope you too think about all the small but wonderful things you have in your
lives right now, unlike other people that have to deal with disasters (Japan)
and war (Libia). Look up at the trees, be grateful and enjoy your weekend!
What a lovely gift of the “wristies” – I have been thinking about knitting myself a pair of these fingerless gloves – and what inspiring pages as always. Really love that list for preparing breakfast! Have a great day and hope it warms up soon for you and yours!
Ohhhhhhhhh I love love love the wristies she made you!! I am ALWAYS cold too (which is so weird since I live in a desert! LOL!)…I have been meaning to find some of those (again, not so easy as I live in the desert! LOL!) … I love love love love the pages you made!!! GORGEOUS!!!! I always love the way you journal and your handwriting too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Marit – I LOVE the photo of you wearing the wristies and I may well paste a link to this post in my Etsy listings!!!
I also love your oages of lists – you “tangle” so beautifully. We have so many little things in common too – CSI, boiled eggs for breakfast, and X-factor!
Your town looks very interesting to visit and I admit, I only feel about 28 years old!!
Have a super weekend! xx
Superleuk die “wristies”! En hoe lief van haar.
Wat laat je ons toch weer mooie, unieke en creatieve pagina´s zien.
Julie heeft gelijk: I love the way you journal!
Oh Friend! You are amazing! Have I told you this? My “pink” color journal page will look like a child did it next to yours!!
AND, you will like this. Remember a year ago I asked you how to zentangle? You wrote back “you want me to teach you how to doodle? and I said yes. You sent me 3 links.
Time passes, over a year! and last month, I decided to FINALLY check out those links. SO, I have been learning how to doodle these past few weeks!! And today, you showw me a zentangle page!! How wierd is that? Great minds think alike, yess??????
I want to show them on my blog, but I don’t think they are good enough. Maybe I will!
Oh you have been on a roll!!!! Love your list pages…the zentangling one is awesome and so is that last one…so fun and whimsical!!! 🙂
Prachtige post meis!! Hoe lief van Rosie om je te verassen met die cadeautje!! Die “wristies” zijn LEUKKK!!!
Je lijstjes zijn weer super, en ja, die foto bij de weekly rituals is idd hilarisch!! En je zentangle werk doet me aan Zeeland denken. Ik zie er schelpen en golven in (was je in gedachten al met je “hometown” bezig???)
En dan de page in je art journal…. gewoon WAUW!!! Ik vind die helemaal te gek!! Ik hou van zulke borders, puffy paint dots én collages, hij is echt SUPER!! Enne…. die leeftijd van jou valt best mee hoor, kijk naar mij…. word volgende maand 50…… EEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!!
Nou, het was het dagje wachten wel waard hoor: wat verwen je ons weer! Prachtige pagina’s, wat is het toch een leuk idee, die lijstjes!! En zo leuk om die ‘gewone’ dingen van je te lezen!
Ik vind je art-journal pagina he-le-maal te gek!! En joh, je bent nog jong ;-)!!
Ik realiseer me heel goed hoeveel geluk we hebben dat we in Nederland wonen, zonder aardbevingen, tsunami’s en oorlog. Meestal neem je het voor vanzelfsprekend aan, maar door deze ellende word je je er weer van bewust!
Geniet van het prachtige weer, Marit!!
Ik heb er natuurlijk geen tijd voor….ben nog steeds hard aan het werk voor CMF ;-). So, be prepared!!
Liefs, Jenneke
Rosie is sweet and very talented…how nice of her and now you have warmer hands!
You cut your own hair…you ARE clever!
Couldn’t help but notice your Middleburg…there is a small horse town (rich farmers) about 30 miles away and it is called…Middleburg haha 😉
Love your pages…your zentangling is so inspiring too..
remember 47 is only a number…you are still a spring chicken as we say here in the states
imagining the sunshine glowing on your pretty hair…Happy Springtime dear one
Ik ben er helemaal dol op hoe jij je lijstjes verwerkt…en je bent al zooo ver! Ik probeer er op het ogenblik 1 per week te doen in mijn daily…
Je polswarmetjes zijn wel ontzettend leuk, zijn ze ook lekker warm?
Nog een hele fijne zondagavond! – Irma
Love your journal pages Marit and I too have a really big journal that I haven’t started in yet, it’s 12 x 12!!!! Yikes eh?? I’m finishing up my smaller ones but eventually I’m going to have to bust into the big boys which is a little intimidating! haha Sounds like you had a good week and I agree, we are so very lucky when you look around at the rest of the world. I count my blessings everyday.
I love the fingerless gloves… so cool!! Great journal pages!!
Veel mooi werk van je in deze post!
Wat een gaaf cadeautje die mofjes! Ik heb (als ik met de laptop op de bank zit) een konijn om m’n rechterarm warm te houden (ze zit er nu lekker tegenaan, alleen tikt het lastig als ze er bovenop gaat zitten 😉 ).
Die boekhandel moet ik onthouden voor als we nog eens naar Middelburg gaan! En 207 treden, pfff, maar vergeleken bij de Dom van keulen valt het mee 😉 Zijn er onderweg plekjes om uit te hijgen?
Maarten knipt mijn haar altijd, het zijne knip ik wel eens wat bij maar voor het echte werk moet hij toch naar de kapper, dat durf ik niet aan!
Welk boek ligt er op je te wachten?
How kind of Rosie to send you a warm and wonderful “hug”! So practical and so lovely! Today’s the first day of spring, so warm weather isn’t too far away, Marit! Our trees are still brown, but the buds are beginning to swell. What a relief that winter’s finished!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo