I haven’t been working in my atelier much last week and I have the photo to prove that 😉
Yep, it’s that time of the week again, “What’s On Your Workdesk. Wednesday.”
Come on in and see my full desk…
… a full desk indeed! Because I was busy being handy(wo)man in the living room (see further in this post) I just layed everything that had to do with creativity aside on my desk… like the beautiful scarf that Anne* knitted for me. It came in the mail last Saturday. That day I also received a ‘surprise enveloppe’… there was no name on it and no card or letter inside, just presents! But when I saw the plastic bags with Bister I immediately knew it came from Elvy from Elvy tales, who is a blogfriend on whose blog I left a comment the other day about Bister pigment (or Bistre, as it is called also.)
Anne* is the cousin of my mum, and I’m not sure what she’s to me then… it’s hard in Dutch even… is she an Aunt? Second Cousin? But whatever the family relation is; to me she’s just Anne, a beautiful lady who performs miracles with textiles. See Anne’s Textiel
OK, that’s enough information allright… here’s my desk
WOYWW stands for “What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday.” It is a weekly blogseries, hosted by Julia from Stamping Ground. Hop on over to Julia’s blog to find the list of participants and visit crafty desks all around the world…
Sooo… not much play in the atelier, what DID I do then?
As you may know, we moved last April and although we put work in our new appartment from then there still was this HUGE object in the living room that needed to be done: the cabinets wall…
… for it was yellow! NOT our colour.
(this photo was taken during the move, but you get the picture of the yellow cabinet)
Last week, our friend Lieke came over for the weekend and she and I decided to tackle the cabinets wall… Lieke grabbed the sander and protected her mouth, nose and hair from dust with a scarf.. she looked like a bedouin!
After sanding, we painted the cabinet with primer and we still had time left for a walk on the beach. It was a fantastic weekend!
I finished painting the cabinets yesterday and this is how it looks now.
It’s a big difference compared to the former yellow wall. It will look even better when the open closet gets its shelves, the door is put back on the right and the furniture is moved to its right place. But painting the cabinets is quite an achievement already, don’t you think?!
Hope your house is all warm and cosy and ready for winter, ’cause X-mas is just around the corner (and my Top 2000 musical blogparty, YAY!!! Looking forward to it already! More about that in November…) Thanks for stopping by, have a great day. Paint a closet.
The scarf is beautiful — all of her work is amazing! I had a quick peek at her fb page. She embroiders also. I stopped by Angela Radford’s blog and she is working on embroidery too. I will get back to that one day I hope. Thanks for sharing your workdesk. I agree — the cabinets look much better and yes, that is quite an accomplishment!Happy WOYWW
He wat gaaf die geverfde kasten! Veel mooier dan dat geel!
Ik ben erg laat vandaag want we hebben logees. Ik moet dus wachten tot het spul naar bed is voor ik achter de computer kan kruipen.
Groetjes en tot volgende week.
What a heroic job on thos huge cabinets – sounds like you have broken the back of the task & will be able to get your room looking lovely very soon ! Ali #21
Ziet er mooi uit zussie, je huisje begint eindelijk op orde te komen..
An achievement indeed! what a difference your painting has made to the room. Well done!
Bishopsmate #42
Some cool stuff on your desk! I love your art journals! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #32
You’ve been busy!!!
She looks so cute!!!! LOVING the new cabinets!!!!
What a great friend to help you with your refinishing. Looks great! April #69
It is great to have someone to help! You have been very busy!
Gabriele 31
What a wonderful friend you have – this will be such a great room for you to play in. I’ve just been to visit Ann on Facebook – and her work is LOVELY! Your desk looks very busy and happy – enjoy, and have a great week. Chris # 24
We don’t live in our own house, so now painting closets (or anything else!) for us!!! Which is fine because that’s a lot of work. Betting it will be gorgeous when you’re finished!
Happy crafting!
Jeannie #27
Zo, die woonkamer knapt aardig op van dat nieuwe kleurtje! Langzaam maar zeker wordt het toch een ‘thuis’ 🙂
Marit, I googled Open Atelier to see what it’s about. Is the audience usually large? Who attends? It sounds exciting. Sort of like WOYWW except people visit in person instead of virtually. Enjoy getting ready. Will you post photos? Thanks for your visit to my blog. 🙂