I’m heading towards busy days – with all kinds of appointments and the Top 2000 Musical blog party just around the corner… If you’re in for a crafty and musical last week of the year, you better subscribe to my newsletter as I will send out one soon, explaining the Top 2000 blog party to you, or read last years’ blogpost about it.
So today’s What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday post is a rather short one.
What’s On My Workdesk? Wednesday is a weekly blogseries/hop hosted by Julia in the United Kingdom and lots of crafty people share photos of their desks every Wednesday. Here’s a photo of my desk.
And here is a better photo of the art journal spread I’m working on.
The idea for this page came from a post/page I saw over at Michelle LaPoint Rydell’s blog here.
There were some things that I had to get off my chest and when I saw Michelle’s page I thought it was the perfect way to express feelings and journal about things that bother me without everyone being able to read it. It was a relief to get it out on paper. I have several ideas about which songlyric should go on top – hiding the journaling even further – but I haven’t made up my mind yet…
Do you ever want to journal about things that bother you, and how do you ‘hide’ it from your readers? I’d like to hear your solutions.
Thanks for stopping by my desk today, your visit is much appreciated since blogposts and comments are rare these days (it seems everyone prefers the quick and easy ‘liking’ on facebook instead of visiting blogs and reading posts…)
Loving that page you are working on! Michelle is quite the inspiration!!!!
A very promising journal spread! I like how you keep your small canvases in a wooden box and your ATCs in fabric pouches! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #40
What lovely colours on those pages, Marit. I’m blessed in being able to to talk frustrations over with my DH (unless they’re about him, of course!!) Otherwise, I can be found muttering to myself when I’m alone, though! Hugs, Chris # 13
I love how you’ve tagged your picture makes it easier to follow where everything is
Bridget #36
gorgeous complex page ! love the colours ! Ali #64
Hi Marit, hey I love that idea to conceal your thoughts and what a fab page Michelle created. You have an orgainised desk. Enjoy your week RobynO#27 ps I don’t like the ‘like’ button much
Yes it is a relief writing things down that bother you. I like your page so far very much, I am sure you will create a very cool spread, as you always do!
I also cover up text, so it is only visible in small parts, but I know what it says. Can’t wait to see the finished work!
Gabriele 23
Dat rijtje art journals op de vensterbank! Als ik dichterbij woonde zou ik zo een middagje langs willen komen om daar in te neuzen. Je hoeft niet met me te praten of niks. Een kopje thee zou wel lekker zijn, zet me maar in een hoekje en dan vermaak ik me wel. 😉