… and Ma’am, here’s an extra post for you.
How come?
Well, I dared Phinner the other day to both make something for the
challenge at Scrapping the Music – I did my part 😀 and to be in time
for the deadline (June 27) I post it right now.
Challenge 201A is the song ‘It’s a good Life’ by One Republic.
I never heard of this band, nor the song… I found the title a bit
too obvious to work with but the lyrics had some other fun sentences.
(Find the video, song and lyrics on the STM blog)
I made two ATCs for ‘It’s a Good Life’
Scrapping the Music has two challenges every time… one with a song
(the above) and one extra, that is a little bit more personal.
These ‘B – challenges’ are very useful to make an art journal page for example,
but I decided to make yet another ATC.
Challenge 201B Prompt:
Most Memorable Summertime Song. Whenever you hear it,
what are the memories that come back to you?
A lot of songs came to mind when I read the prompt.
Songs that certainly have a ‘Summer Feeling’ – but none of them had
a special memory of some sort to me… and then I remembered this one!
Baccara – Yes Sir, I can Boogie
I remember when I was a little
girl, I accompanied my dad
to the local pub every now and
then. On Sundays he played
billiards and since I lived in a
very small village, I knew all
the men in the cafe. My two
uncles would be there too and I
loved to sit at the bar and watch
them all play.
There was something very
comforting in hearing the
billiard balls click. I watched
the game of those mumbling
(and sometimes teasing and
laughing) men while the air
filled with the smell of beer
and cigars.
I especially remember that one Summer – it was hot outside but in the cafe
it was dark and kinda cool. I sat on my bar tool, sipping coca cola through
a straw and this song played over and over. Did someone put a dime in the
jukebox? Was it on a tape that the bar lady had set on repeat?
Anyway, this song was a topper in the Summer of ’77 and I liked the song.
I liked the strange, funny Spanish (?) accent of the ladies singing it (I wonder
if you English speaking blogreaders can understand the very first sentence,
right after ‘Mister…’) and I can sing along even now. I sang it with my friends
when we went to the beach. We sang it when we chilled on our teenage rooms
but the memory that stayed most with me was the afternoon when I heard it
in the pub.
Happy memories. Childhood.
Long gone, but brought back by Scrapping the Music.
Thanks guys!
(I don’t know if this song was as much a hit in other countries as it was
in Holland, and younger readers will not know it either – for Baccara
was a ‘one hit wonder’ – so here’s a link to the song and clip.
(be sure to listen at least to the chorus at 1:09 – oh, and for you who puzzle
about that first sentence: “Mister, your eyes are full of hesitation…” )
Enjoy – and see you all back on Quirky Dutch Summer Tuesday!
“” It’s summertime
and the living is easy
Fish are jumping and the cotton is high
Your daddy’s rich
and your mama’s good-looking
Hush, little baby don’t you cry
don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry
no no no no
don’t cry, don’t cry…””
{{ sam cooke }}
High Cotton meant $$$;
Fish jumping meant food =
easy living, for sure!
ok lady, I stepped up to the challenge!!! gauntlet! on my blog! : .)
I love your ATC’s! And the page you made for your favorite summer memory is fabulous. Thank you for sharing the link for the song, too!
Three entries – that’s awesome Marit! Especially love the one with the head full of stars! Never heard that song – thanks for the fun story!!! and thanks for playing along with us at STM!!!
I loveeeeeeeeeee these!! And I saw that Phin took you up on your challenge!!! lol!!!
Ohhh…deze ATC´s zijn geweldig!! Ik vind het ook erg leuk om ze te maken, verrassend hoeveel er op zo´n klein stukje papier past.
I love your ATC’s Marit, I’ve go to get to making some of them so I can trade them. I have like 100 Arches ATC blanks but I guess I’m a little intimidated of the size!! Silly wabbit. Hope all is well with the mag, can’t WAIT to see issue 2!
you know I like it!!! so happy to have you join us at STM!!! : .)
your ATCs are fantastic!!!!
Door je vehaal was ik ineens weer in 1977! Dat liedje kan ik nu nog helemaal zingen ( zelfs met spaans accent). Ik heb het misschien wel honderden keren gehoord, in mijn jeugd woonde ik nl in een cafe! En nu zit dit liedje weer in mijn kop en ben ik het waarschijnlijk de rest van de dag aan neurien of zingen (lol)
Ik ben weg van je ATC’s, vooral van dat haar….