Hi there friends, it’s me and I’m back!
After all these weeks I hope this post finds you happy and in good health – Corona is still here and the number of infections seems to increase in the Netherlands – which does not surprise me, a lot of people act like nothing’s wrong and don’t stick to the rules anymore. I’m still cautious and don’t go out much, but I’m happy that I was informed that I can get back to work at the Zeeuws Archief on September 1st. Although I didn’t get bored staying at home, I really missed the work and my collagues.
It was all kinds of other activities, and especially the heat wave that lasted for more than a week, that kept me from blogging. However, I woke up last Monday to find the temperatures in the living room dropped with three grades (from 31 to 28 Celcius.) Tired of sitting tight in front of the ventilator, I felt energized only by seeing a number below 30 and so I started cleaning my workdesk. My beloved had bought me a new drawing tablet and pen, to use at the computer, that was delivered that afternoon…
… and now, with a clean desk, a new tablet and better temperatures, I’m all ready to go!
In the weeks before the heat wave hit our country and forced me to sit down and do nothing, I created quite a lot of art pieces! For one, I participated in another PASSport and collage project. You might remember I collaborated in the project last year – see this post (with some more explanation about the project, in case you are interested) and this post – and since it had been a while, I volunteered for another passport to create a spread in. I was the first to receive this little booklet and I was asked to also add something to the front. So I did.
There was a photo of a “Fraulein” (= “Miss”) on the first page and I did want to keep that, so I let the photo inspire me and worked around/integrated it.
It’s on its way to the next artist-in-line and I’m curious to see what she will create on the next pages.
I also created art journal spreads in my Chronicles.
The Chronicles of Marit 2020 – Week 30
The Chronicles of Marit 2020 – Week 31
I leave your with this, I have more to show but don’t want to take more of your time… thanks for your visit!
Hi and welcome back! the heat here has been bad too, we just can’t cope! loving the clean tidy desk and your latest Chronicles. I agree lots of people seem to be behaving as if things are back to normal here too…take care and stay safe. Helen #2
What a beautiful clean and tidy desk!
Vwery impressed with the booklet and chronicles!
Happy woyww! Stay safe and keep well, Susan #10
I know th feeling, I didn’t want to do too much in the heatwave either! My husband uses a tablet and pen all the time for his photography editing and he says it’s marvellous – hope yours works well too! You certainly made that swap pic more interesting!!
HUgs LLJ 6 xxx
Lovely to see you back joining in the fun. I think we have all suffered with the extreme heat…I was melting.
I love th creative things you’ve been busy with. I love the idea of a pass on project and love what you did to it.
Annie x #12
welcome back . I had a week where it was just too hot to work in my craft room too, in fact it made me feel ill to sit in here – hot flushes don’t help either. Your pages are lovely . Enjoy seeing your colleges again . Have a fab week. Soojay #22
We had a heatwave around here too with similar indoor temperatures – I really suffer in that sort of heat! Glad you can go back to work from September. I’ve been working from home since March and got really lazy because I usually walk 3 miles to work and I haven’t done ANY regular exercise since the lockdown, apart from the occasional cycle ride. I enjoy the flexibility of working from home, but I know I’ll need to go back at one point. Your pages are always so cool! Happy creating! xx zsuzsa #21
Beautiful new workspace that’s really well equipped. Great art and journaling. I’m ready for cooler weather too!
Hello there!! We had a week of heat as well – made it very difficult to do much but sit around. However I’m not liking these grey skies that have followed either!! I love to see a clean and tidy desk, sometimes I think I should give up art and just spend my dies tidying the craft room……….Happy WOYWW, stay well, safe, Cindy #21
Welcome back, Marit – and I’m glad it’s cooled down a bit too! It really was too much. I love your room with its clean lines and spacious feel – it’s very neat! Your new tablet and stylus is great. I’ve got a very old one that I can use with the laptop, and I’ve got the Apple Pencil to use with my iPad. They are fun to use. Your journal pages are stunning as always.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #23
love your nice neat work space! Your passport and journal pages are awesome. I haven’t joined in WOYWW in quite a while and was happy to see a lot of the same people here. Have a great week. Vickie #32
Good to see you back. Yes it’s been so hot here as well. Too much for me I don’t cope well. Your desk is so tidy. Anne x @16
Very neat and tidy desk! The booklet is very interesting, I don’t think I would find it easy to collaborate on art. Angela #31
Hi Marit, I can’t believe it’s so long but I can understand why. I feel it’s really difficult to make anything when the weather is so hot my brain just seems to stop working. I often wonder if some people who don’t know anyone personally that have had or died from the virus almost find it difficult to believe it even exists either that or they are very selfish. We still see people who refuse to wear masks and do not distance themselves from others, I don’t understand them we must all do our bit. However, your art work continues to amaze me and collaborated project is a brilliant idea. Wishing you a great week and a happy creative woyww, Angela x14x
Welcome back! Hope you get some cooler temps! We’ve been hitting a high of 105*F daily for over a week! And we really need rain. Anyway, great tidy desk! All ready for when you’re feeling crafty! Fascinating pages! Have a great week!
Carol N #25
Welcome back…oh what great new items…LOVE the window for brightness. Have fun with your new space and stay safe.
Here in Sweden, it is catastrophic when it comes to keeping your distance and everyone behaves
as if everything were completely normal. No thought for us in the risk groups. And some
masks we are not even recommended to wear … Do not think there are any. We are not allowed to test ourselves either.
Enough about that.
Your art journal pages are super cool.
Stay as healthy as you can and have a nice week.
I really like this WOYWW and the opportunity to visit
creative people in the blogosphere.
Hi Marit! I wish my workdesk looked like that when cleanded lol. But here too, way to hot to do anything, so it’s nice to have the temperatures drop a bit. Time to create!
It’s nice to follow you here a bit, so untill next time!
Hi and welcome back! So nice to see all your lovely artwork again – I really do appreciate and enjoy your style. I went to stay near the sea during our heatwave so went swimming several times a day to keep cool. Sorry I am late commenting. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)
HI Marit! We have been very lucky in the past few weeks with temperatures between 22° and 26°! It has made for a very pleasant August! I love your passport exchange booklets. We used to do this many years ago with full sized books, back when postage was reasonable. This size is a brilliant idea! Your desk looks very welcoming today, have fun with your new toy! Lindart #27
Thank you for your return visit, Marit, and I’m glad my Romanian blouse brought back some happy memories for you!
Shoshi x #23
I’m late Marit, sorry, but better late than missing out! I see on your chronicles page that the Covid R number is above R1 – its quite a concern isn’t it, and I never cease to be amazed at the number of people who think it wont happen to them and so put loads of others at risk too. Your work space is an ideal – what does the quote on the wall say? So happy that you’ll be able to get back to work too, it will help to be in company no and then, even if it has to be 6ft apart!