This year is well on its way and so is my Chronicles art journal... I am working on the spread for week 3 but week 1 and 2 are done. I show those in this blogpost, but first I join in on the What's On Your Work desk Wednesday blog hop with a photo that shows how my desk looks this morning. WOYWW … [Read more...]
Laughter and woyww #397
Good morning lovelies, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the ones that I haven't 'spoken to' yet in 2017.... yep, that's you deskers :) After recuperating from the Top 2000 blog party the atelier is in full swing again. I am working on several projects at the same time, switching from one to the other: … [Read more...]
New art journal & woyww #393
A sunny day in Zeeland. Early sunshine came in my atelier and you can see the light on the window sill. The sun shines especially for my mum today as it is her birthday. CONGRATULATIONS MAMA, SEE YOU IN A WHILE! But before I take the bus to head to my parents to celebrate, I made a picture of … [Read more...]
Woyww #392
Hi there sweeties, good morning! It's Wednesday so yes, I took a photo of my desk this morning for woyww. It's a clean and neat desk, as usual, but that doesn't mean I didn't create last week... you know me: I always clean up after I'd spend the day in my atelier. Besides; yesterday I started … [Read more...]