It is Creative Team Thursday over at Jessica Sporn's blog, and today it is my turn to inspire you. I show you only this small detail photo of the art journal spread I made here on my blog 'cause I want you all to hop over to Jessica Sporn's blog to view my finished spread and - even better - … [Read more...]
That place, where everything’s allright
Back in the atelier, trying to find my feet... I didn't sleep well last night and spend the morning with black coffee, re-reading old blog posts - not able to pick up my brushes. The sky is grey and it's steadily drizzling... I looked at the art journal spreads that I had not posted thus far, … [Read more...]
… of kings, art materials, new journals and woyww #386
Goodmorning lovelies, welcome to my atelier on yet another 'Workdesk Wednesday'. The atelier is in full swing; I work on several projects at the same time hopping from one page to another. I also bound a new art journal some time ago that I haven't shown yet. Oh, and the mail-man dropped of new art … [Read more...]