Yes, a blogpost with a workdesk photo on a day I normally am at work, the corona virus effects everyone around the world… and my life changed too. The Zeeuws Archief closed its doors and all employers have to work at home for as long as it will take to stay safe. Because my work in the restoration workshop inquires handling the original documents, I am temporarly without a job…
So what’s a girl gotta do then? Back to the old days: spend hours in my atelier and write a blogpost on Wednesday!
On my workdesk is a folder I made last weekend. I started working on a new-to-write online workshop (in Dutch) and I created this folder to store all the ideas, notes for lessons and video tutorials, examples et cetera.
I will use these extra days/weeks at home to accelerate; write lessons and film some video tutorials. And create art, of course. I hadn’t much time to do that lately, but I always keep up to date with my own Chronicles art journal… here’s the latest spreads
The Chronicles of Marit 2020 – Week 10
The Chronicles of Marit 2020 – Week 11
Take care, stay safe and see you online!
We need to blog more and share our crafty activities if we are all housebound! xx Jo #15
Hi Marit, sorry to hear that you are not able to work. It’s good we have our online communities to interact with though. Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X
I hope you will be financially ok until you go back to work…this is a terrible thing we are experiencing. I am retired and so i’m home most of the time anyway but I’m really trying to stay at home. Now that I need to be here I find I want to be out and about. Isn’t that usually the way it works?
Stay safe my friend and thanks for your visit earlier!
Glenda #19
I’m really sorry that you have been forced to stop work as I know how much you enjoyed it. It’s just what we are going to have to put up with for the next couple of months….I can’t wait for the weather to warm up a bit. Enjoy getting back to creating, your journals are always interesting to look at!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx
You’re right it’s a difficult time. We are still able to go shopping and walk the dogs but obviously keeping a good distance from people we meet which is not us at all. I do hope you manage alright without the job, it must be really worrying. Take care and wishing you a happy creative WOYWW, Angela x12x
Amazing pages – very powerful images. I’m sorry you are out of work at the moment – it is a scary, unsettling time for so many people.
Stay safe and I hope you have a good week
Diana x #17
I am sorry you are unable to work for now – my firm is getting plans in place for us to do so, we are trying to delay it until we are forced to! Love the Chronicles this week. Stay safe and thanks for the visit. Helen #3
So sorry you are now out of work – is it just whilst this pandemic is on – can you get your job back later?
We are not on any lockdown as yet, schools are duke to close this Friday I think, it is the selfish shoppers that are making life uncomfortable for most.
I see Nijerk is now not taking place, wise decision but how sad – shows here are all cancelled too. Sad and bad times ahead but we have to keep crafting and show folks what we can do to brighten the days up.
Love those two powerful images you have to show us – very appropriate for the time.
Take care stay safe and well – and smiling.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx
I am very sorry to hear that you are temporarily out of a job, Marit, and I hope you will manage financially in the meantime, and that the job will be kept open for you when all this crisis is over. It must be a worrying time for you. You sound very positive, though, and your desk looks wonderfully organised and productive! Great journal pages, too. Thank you for your visit. I am so glad you like the herb garden my hubby made for me, and I hope you manage to make one for yourself – there’s nothing like picking fresh herbs for the cooking all through the summer months! While I am not deliberately self-isolating, I am pretty much home-bound anyway so it doesn’t make too much difference to me. The one positive aspect is that my hubby’s many and varied activities out of the house have been more or less cancelled now, so he is around a lot more, which is lovely! It’s a difficult time and I’m not finding it easy making sure we get our weekly grocery order, with everybody panic buying and over-stocking, to the detriment of everybody else, especially the elderly and vulnerable. It’s so sad that people are so selfish and greedy, when we should all be pulling together and supporting each other in a time of crisis, and building up the community spirit.
Keep safe and keep smiling, Marit. Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #22
Now that is a clever idea to use your time so productively and it makes sense. If we are all going to be staying home more often then online is the way to go. I also was thinking ab out making you youTube clips on art but the technicality is getting the better of me. Must look at how this is possible. It will be interesting to see. So sorry to hear you are no longer working …. strange times. Stay safe and keep crafting your beautiful art journals. Sandra de @4
Sorry that you are temporarily jobless Marit. At least you will have moe time to create and get your new online workshop up and running. Fab chronicles as ever. Very evocative of the times.Happy WOYWW. Stay safe. Sarah #2
Aw Marit, you just get used to a routine and *pouf* it all changes again – I know you understand why, but nonetheless, it’s a shame to be temporarily unemployed. It sounds like a great job to do, so I bet it won’t be hard to go back to. Meanwhile I’m not surprised but impressed that you already have a lot work planned to fill your time! I don’t keep a journal but am definitely going to record these crazy weeks in some way. Keep well dear gal, and try to enjoy your atelier time!
Hi Marit. I’m sorry you are currently out of work. Staying at home is lovely, but I hope you have sufficient art stash to keep you going:-) It sounds like a great idea to prepare a new series of videos and tutorials – well done.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #5
Hi Marit, I’m so sorry you are temporarily without a job. On the plus side – it gives you more time for your art and crafting, and your online workshop … but never nice to be unable to work. Your Chronicles are very self explanatory this week – everyone around the world will understand the pictures. So far we are not on lockdown, but many people will not go out much, myself included, due to health conditions. Stay safe, and have a lovely week Heather xx #13
Fantastic Chronicle spreads – very powerful. I am sorry about your job situation though. This is all so worrying for everyoone. Take care my friend. Happy belated WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)
So sorry to hear about your job Marit, I will keep my fingers crossed that at the end of this storm your job will be there waiting for you. Such trying times for us all at least we creatives have our art….
Stay strong & creative dear friend. Happy WoywW Tracey xx
Hi Maarit yes every day is a changing now! Love your desk it’s always lovely …
Lovely desky share sorry I’m so late and brief.
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊
{Wonderful Words of Life – Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards – Shaz in Oz}