At the beginning of the year, I showed a photo of this new "Chronicles" art journal that was in the making. Well, I finished it and even created some first pages/spreads in it. I did have time for that last week 'cause I'd taken a few weeks off from work but my vacation went a bit differently than … [Read more...]
Chronicles week 43-46 & collage triptych
Just a short blogpost today, at least when it comes to the text 'cause I have enough art to show to make this a long blogpost after all... here's what I created over the past months: Chronicles art journal spreads and a collage tryptych. Chronicles Week 43 A lovely, sunny week full of fun … [Read more...]
Friday haiku & art journal pages
On this Friday I have not only a haiku but also a couple of art journal spreads to show you. eind van het seizoen ingeklapte strandstoelen wachten op opslag end of the season a bunch of folded beach chairs await the storehouse Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg In March 2013 I … [Read more...]
Chronicles 12, 13 &14
Not much to tell you, just three weeks of art journaling to show... Chronicles - Week 12 Chronicles - Week 13 Chronicles - Week 14 Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your day! … [Read more...]
Last art journal spreads from 2023
Goodmorning! Before I go to work I put up this quick blogpost to show you all the Chronicles art journal spreads from last year... it's a lot hanging in the draft and now that I 'close this book' (year) it's time to publish them on my blog. A new journal for 2024 is in the making, I just keep on … [Read more...]
Friday haiku and art journal pages
Pal onder de boom, blozend in het gras, kondigt de herfst zich reeds aan. Blushing in the grass. Autumn announces itself right under the tree. Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg I submit this haiku to Haiku my Heart I am still creating an art journal spread every week but it's been ages … [Read more...]
Woyww 593
Goodmorning lovelies! This blogpost is scheduled 'cause as you know, today is a work day for me and I will spend my day at the atelier at the ZEEUWS ARCHIEF. And that, of course, counts as a 'studio' and there's things on my workdesk there as well... I thought you might find it intersting to see a … [Read more...]