On this Friday I have not only a haiku but also a couple of art journal spreads to show you.
eind van het seizoen ingeklapte strandstoelen wachten op opslag |
end of the season a bunch of folded beach chairs await the storehouse |
Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg
In March 2013 I bound an art journal in which I included a text on the first page that said: “discover the Zeeland soul” (see this blog post) So I called the book my “Zeeuwse Ziel” (Soul from Zeeland) journal and worked in it every now and then. When the journal was filled, I bound a second journal and… that one is now filled with artspreads too.
Here’s the last spread in Zeeuwse Ziel II
*** click on the photo’s to enlarge ***
However, I am far from finished with journaling about my “Zeeland soul” so last month I bound a third book. Here’s the cover of the new journal, showing a photo of a typical Zeeland landscape (sand and sea)
Zeeuwse Ziel III
This is the first page (on the left you see the inside of the cover with the endpaper)
Chronicles 2024 – Week 39
A couple of weeks ago my beloved and I bought a car! Now I have to tell you that using public transport in the Zeeland region is a complete disaster, especially if you have to go somewhere outside of town. Since I visit my parents (in a small, nearby village) every week, I can say that I am experienced in going around by bus which is very, VERY frustrating! It even was on the national news the other day: an item about how bad public transport is in the countryside. I am so happy with the freedom that owning a car brings us that I created a spread all about the car.
Hope you enjoyed seeing what I created over the past weeks,
thanks for stopping by my blog,
have a lovely weekend!
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