There’s a lot to share this week so let’s not write too long an ‘introduction’
and start right away…
Haiku My Heart
het uiterste punt
verder kan de mens niet gaan of hij moet zwemmen |
the edge of the world
one can not go further or it must be swimming |
More haiku every Friday at Recuerda Mi Corazon
Every Day Matters – Drawings
You thought I didn’t draw anymore?
EDM #2 – Draw a desk lamp or other lamp
“When my beloved and I went to live together, he brought this desk lamp
in to the household. I can not remember that it ever stood anywhere else
than the window sill. In the summer, when I sit outside in the evening to
read, I aim the light through the window right on my book pages. Perfect!”
EDM #3 – Purses, Wallets or Bags
EDM #4 – Draw your mug or cup
“I drink my coffee every morning from this mug. I use it in the morning only.
Later on in the day, the ‘ordinary’ coffee cups are put on the table. I got this
white mug from the guy that renewed the roof of the shed. The logo of his
roofing company is pictured on the mug. I found it actually an ugly thing.
He also gave us an umbrella that I found much more enjoyable but ah, well,
some things turn out differently than you pictured them. This habit somehow
made its way into my life and now it is a daily recurring ritual.”
The Pulse: Take Two
Last Monday, Seth of the Altered Page
announced that he is working on a follow-
up of his book ‘The Pulse of Mixed Media.’
I knew already that he was working on this.
Ha, guess what…?
OHMY, I was over the moon and honoured
when I received his email, asking me (who,
me? Yep, me!) to be part of his next book.
Of course I can not tell you any more. I leave the telling to Seth.
Hop on over to The Altered Page to read the announcement here.
FEATURING magazine
Issue 2 is in the make and you can expect it
to come out by the end of August. I copied
the following text from the website:
The FEATURING team values the opinion of
our readers. That’s why you, when you order
the debut issue of the magazine, will receive
an email afterward with a link to a poll where
you can give your honest opinion about the
A lot of people already received that email and filled out the poll,
which gives us a great and honest view on what you think and
it helps us fine-tuning the magazine.
Your opinion is not only important to us, it could provide you with
something too. Among the people who fill out the poll, we raffle the
second issue of the magazine. We are working on issue #2 as we speak,
and we expect publishing it by the end of August.
So, what are you waiting for?
Order issue #1 right now, give your opinion and make a chance
to win the next issue!
Tammy ‘Daisy Yellow’ interviews ME!
Tammy Garcia, who blogs at Daisy Yellow
(that name is well known to the art journal
community – some people even think
Tammy’s name is Daisy) started a new series
on her blog: The Interview Series.
She will interview artists from time to time
and the series start with… ME!
She asked me a lot of personal questions about me, the magazine, my art,
my way of working and a lot more. Oh, and that one picture ‘with the gold’
is an art piece I made for my graduation exhibition back in 1989.
Find the interview here.
Enjoy Summer, dear ones.
Enjoy life, smell the roses!
See you next week.
Loving the Haiku and your drawings!!! And HOW EXCITING to be interviewed like that!!! AWESOME!!!!
So many wonderful things happening with you Marit. I am looking forward to Issue #2…and to your contribution to my next book!
I am glad to see things are going so well for you.
Meid, dat loopt echt als ‘n trein voor jou op het ogenblik! Ik ben hartstikke trots op je en bewonder jouw creativiteit in al die verschillende richtingen…
Zonnige groetjes – Irma
Hi Marit!!!
Congrats on the publications!!! Artistic recognition, so AWESOME!!! Love that you’re being acknowledged out in the art-o-sphere!
Your recent haikus have been my favorites so far! The word/photo combinations evoke so much feeling and thinking for me…
(AND, thanks for stopping by STM!!! I am not surprised that you recognize my ‘style’! Do you think you’ll be able to play along?! : .)
Loving your EDM drawings! The mug with your funky hand lettering is just the coolest. It was super fun to work with you on the interview, and to learn more about you and the way you work. Thank you!!!
Zooooo… wat een leuk nieuws allemaal! Heb net het lange interview gelezen, ‘t is helemaal geweldig!! Dat werk van je uit 1989 doet mij heel erg denken aan wat je laatst maakte: letters from the wasteland…
Je tekeningen zijn super!! Vooral de tas vind ik mooi!!
En wat fantastisch dat je werk wordt gepubliceerd in het boek van Seth!!
Wauw meis!!
Enjoyable post. Well done writing.
so much excitement I can hardly stand it 🙂
Congrats in advance on being included in one of Seth’s super publications!
and I very much enjoyed reading the latest interview with you Mz M
thank you for sharing your art and your heART 🙂
Cleverly translated from the literal to the poetic with haiku form. Funny and fresh too!
Marit…. You have achieved such acclaim! I am proud to be considered your friend. I haven’t ordered the Featuring Magazine for no other reason than I just haven’t taken the time. I will do so, but I can tell you now that the preliminary viewing made me feel like an artist. I want to be, but won’t allow myself to say so.
I love the sketches, especially the coffee mug. Nothing is more special than to drink from a mug that feels good in the hands, same with a tool, especially a screwdriver, or the handlebar position and grip on my Triumph!
Your haiku reminds me of the Mel Gibson movie, “Apocalypto”. At the end, the runners meet the ocean’s edge and see ships of men arriving at their shore, a sight they have never seen as they too, thought it to be the edge of the world. Your photon is grand! My post today is about the roundness of the world.
I love visiting you on Fridays! Hope all is good with you. Another month or so and I’ll start a project. You will be pleased, I know it!
Much Peace
dear marit,
what an incredible post heralding so many great achievements! i am thrilled for you!!
i find the wording of your haiku quite amusing!
thanks for dressing me in smiles this morning.
A leap of faith possible there.
Marit, it is a delight to slip over the edge and into the water with you! How I love coming here and dipping my toes into your art (I started to write heart!) And, I am most aware that I can do so, only because of your beloved… please tell him thank you for me today! I have a lamp almost identical to yours… a long story, and not used much now, but I like how you use yours! Funny how a favorite mug will be the object of every morning, like an old friend, greeting you to each new day. Can’t wait to get my next Featuring! Thank you Marit for making my Friday so special! XOXOXO
May I join you in swimming? I feel the edge of the world beckoning…
Oh, I’d like to dive in!
Wonderful, as always. I say I can’t draw but did load a tutorial on iPad. Bookmarked interview for later.
Are you going to be going to this swimming place ? I hope so !
So glad to hear all of your exciting news. So well deserved for you, Hardworking Artist Chickie !
Big love to you !
Wat een prachtige Haiku en hele mooie tekeningen!
There are worse ways to get from here to there than by swimming! 🙂
Everywhere the Stars
I always enjoy your musings and pictures ~
Looking forward to the interview ~
oh how very exciting! Many many congrats!
congrats on all the wonderful things coming your way, so exciting! as busy as you are, it means even more to me that you take the time to comment on my blog! thank you so much for your dear kind words, and the inspiration you give through your art! i recently found “daisy yellow” myself, via photos posted of her index card a day event. another inspiring artist! have a great week!
Congratulations on the feature, and for a delightful haiku as well. Perhaps, we can swim back from the edge of the world. Cheers.
Wow – so much wonderfulness in your life right now. Congratulations!! xo