Fridayevening... and before I slip into my pyjamas to spend the rest of the evening hanging on the couch with my beloved and watch crime series, I use this stolen moment to post two more old Chronicle art journal pages (dated February and March) and a small harmonica box-book that I created only a … [Read more...]
{I bound a} New Chronicles Art Journal!
Time flies, and we are only two weeks away from a brand new year! Don't worry now, I won't bore you with 'good-intentions-lists' (which I have not) or wish-lists (which I have a lot) for the new year... instead, I show you the new journal I bound and that I will use as my weekly diary "Chronicles" … [Read more...]
A Very Special (!) Tale from the Studio and woyww #234
I skipped blogging last Wednesday but today I am back with - as the title suggests - a very special tale from my studio... so put on the music and do the happy dance with me. This is what I am so happy about: See that? That is my name there, on the index page of a book... and see all … [Read more...]
Tales from the Studio and woyww #230
I wasn't around last Wednesday but I am in the studio today, so come on in to hear my tale (and see my latest art.) As always: let's start with showing you a "Golden Oldie" (I don't create 'traditional scrapbook layouts' anymore but every Wednesday I dive into my albums and … [Read more...]
See these thumbnails? Avatars, portraits, smiling faces, little drawings... These little squares all represent an artist that you can visit by clicking on the photo - except for the woman in the last row on the left... because that is ME and you already are HERE! Now what does this … [Read more...]
Lemons and Lemonade?!
You probably know the expression "When life throws you lemons, make lemonade." Well, in the past months life threw me so much lemons that both the juicer as myself got buried underneath... they call that a 'burn-out' and I can tell ya, that is not a nice state to be in! To make a long story … [Read more...]