Photo made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg
De polder ontwaakt in de paarse ochtend wacht de molen op wind |
Polders awaken in the purple morning waits the old mill for wind |
I submit today’s haiku to ‘Haiku my Heart.’ Rebecca, the weekly host, isn’t around these days (enjoy your holiday dear!) Magical Mystical Teacher was so kind to take over the hosting again this week. Hop on over to her blog to find the links to the other participants and haikus.
Without wind, the windmill can do nothing but wait. Enforced idleness! Good Friday to you, Marit!
I love the photo.
Is every morning in the Netherlands this beautiful?
This time of year, yes it is! Come on over, I have a hippie-guestbed for you to sleep in!
Beautiful photo and lovely ‘wind’ haiku ~
Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores