Pal onder de boom, blozend in het gras, kondigt de herfst zich reeds aan. Blushing in the grass. Autumn announces itself right under the tree. Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg I submit this haiku to Haiku my Heart I am still creating an art journal spread every week but it's been ages … [Read more...]
Friday haiku: hesitating sun
Friday haiku Zomer, of toch herfst? De spinnen weten het al, de zon aarzelt nog. Summer or Autumn? The spiders know already. The sun hesitates. The photo was taken by Lena Schreijenberg I submit this haiku to Recuerda Mi Corazon where our lovely hostess Rebecca brings us … [Read more...]
Haiku on Friday – Windmill
Photo made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg De polder ontwaakt in de paarse ochtend wacht de molen op wind Polders awaken in the purple morning waits the old mill for wind I submit today's haiku to 'Haiku my Heart.' Rebecca, the weekly host, isn't around these days … [Read more...]
Haiku on Friday – jubilant town
Photo of my town made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg Het water, roerloos, weerspiegelt een nieuw seizoen de stad jubelt herfst Motionless water reflects the Fall colours of this jubilant town I submit today's haiku to 'Haiku my Heart' and because Rebecca, the … [Read more...]
Another Friday... I am in my atelier once again, staring out my window. Blue skies. Some friendly clouds floating by. Trees still green but with a hint of brown. Late Summer, early Autumn. Oh how I love this time of year. Promise schaduw op de muur belooft een prachtige … [Read more...]