You probably know the expression “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.”
Well, in the past months life threw me so much lemons that both the juicer as myself got buried underneath… they call that a ‘burn-out’ and I can tell ya, that is not a nice state to be in!
To make a long story short… I am doing better. I am slowly getting back my energy and I figured that picking up blogging will probably do me good. It will bring some sort of rhythm in the week, if you know what I mean. However – there will be some changes in my blogging to make it easy on myself. I don’t know if it will work and if I stick to the ‘schedule’ (I decided to be nice to myself so if I don’t feel like blogging, I won’t!) but here’s what I came up with.
- I will NOT pick up the ‘BIG Road Trip Series‘ again. There were little submissions and little interest from American artists to write guest posts, which lead to me writing most of the posts myself. That made the posts less ‘personal’ and more ‘tourist-like’ and hey, you can buy travel books or look on the Internet yourself if you want that. The original idea I had about this series was nice, but I have to accept that it didn’t turn out the way I hoped’. So let’s forget about it and move on.
- I plan to write blogposts on Mondays, in which I can ramble and/or show my latest work. However, if there’s nothing to talk about or show to you, I will skip the Monday-post.
- On Wednesdays, I plan to continue with the “Tales from the Studio” and publish a ‘golden oldie‘ layout (look HERE for explanation of these titles) ánd a photo of my desk for WOYWW.
- I started a new blogseries on Fridays just before I had my ‘break’, and I am enthusiastic about picking that up again. You are all invited to play along with “Found Poetry Friday” (look HERE for explanation) with FPF#2 coming up on Friday!
So HI folks! Here I am again. I do hope you found the way back to my blog too – so that I am not talking ‘into the blue’… I even have some pages to show you right now. Here’s what I made during the last weeks…
(index card for my ‘Box of Longing’)
Remember Days, Remember Moments
(Art Journal spreads)
The Chronicles of Marit – Week 28
The Chronicles of Marit – Week 31
The Chronicles of Marit – Week 32
You may notice that there are weeks missing… those were weeks in which I did nothing and therefor those weeks/pages in my journal are blank. There are more pages (after all, we are in week 38 now) but I will show those later.
And then there’s this… besides the header, I also changed the menu on top.
My art is way better archived in the galleries now (more logical) so if you are curious to see my latest mixed-media monotypes, you should be able to find that particular album in no time 😉
Last but not least… I am thrilled to announce you that I am one of the “40 amazing artists” in Seth Apter’s new book!!! The book will be released next month – read the announcement on Seth’s blog HERE – and you will hear more about it then for sure!
For now, here’s a picture of the cover:
It is good to be back, dear ones!
Take care of yourself now (don’t burn out!) – and I hope to see you back Wednesday.
Welkom terug meis!!Heb je wel gemist in blogland hoor! Fijn ook dat het weer wat beter gaat en dat je weer creatief kunt zijn.
Je nieuwe look van je blog vind ik super! Mooi dat blauw met die zwarte stiksels!
Nogmaals echt fijn dat je er weer bent !!!
Nice to have you back, Marit !
Welcome back!
Marit, wat fijn dat je weer terug bent!!
Goh, een burnout, dat is niet fijn, weet ik helaas uit eigen ervaring.. Ik hoop dat je heel snel weer ‘de oude’ bent en dat je ons weer gaat verwennen met je mooie blogposts!
Hou je haaks!!
Hoi Marit,
Je hebt heel wat zitten “schedelen” (zou mijn opa zeggen). Goed dat je weer begonnen bent met waar je gewoon zin in hebt en waar je energie van krijgt. Als je deze winter weer zin krijgt in een online cursus geven; ik ben in!
Veel liefs en sterkte met alle stomme gedoe-dingen.
Welcome back, I’d been wondering where you’d got to. As everybody kept saying to me “take it easy, and relax”.
And if you have that many lemons, they go nicely with gin & tonic 😉
Fijn dat je er weer bent, marit! Wat gaaf dat je gepubliceerd bent in Seth s boek 🙂
Welcome back! Congratulations on the book! How exciting! I’m in the midst of a small blogging break too. I think it’s healthy. 🙂 when I start back up blogging, I’ll be back for found poetry Friday!
Welcome back!! LOVING your pages and HUGE CONGRATS on being featured in the book!!!!!
Great to read a post from you Marit and it sounds like you have a good plan to make some very good lemonade! Thanks for being such a wonderful contributor to the book!
Welkom terug, Marit! Ik weet inmiddels ook alles over die citroenen in het leven en dan heeft bloggen en art gewoon even geen prioriteit, hoe graag we ook willen. Gewoon lekker rustig aan weer opstarten met de dingen die je leuk vindt. Ik volg je nog steeds!
Marit toch…. een burn-out… dat is heftig…
Goed dat je weer bij ons bent!
Je mixed-media is onveranderd, iedere keer weer zó creatief en uniek.
Gefeliciteerd met je publicatie (verbaasd me niet, zo’n talent blijft niet onopgemerkt).
Doe je wel rustig aan?
Fijn dat je terug bent. Maar niet te hard van stapel lopen hè?!
Het boek ziet er goed uit, tezijnertijd krijgen we daar toch wel een sneakpeakje uit?
Welkom terug! Fijn dat je er weer bent 🙂 Ook mij is je verhaal niet onbekend, en het blijft opletten dat je niet te veel hooi op je vork neemt. Let op je energie, probeer meer te krijgen in plaats van alleen maar te geven.
My summer blogging has been very sporatic too, Lovely One. But it feels good to reconnect.
Congrats on the exciting participation in Seth’s book ! So great !
Be gentle with your amazing self as you heal up. Whatever gifts you share are always appreciated and wonderful to look at and be inspired by.
Sending love !
Wow Marit a huge congrats for being in the book!! yay!!! Love your journal pages as always and I can totally relate to the blogging thing. I am finding that I only do it around once a week now as I just don’t have the time, or maybe it’s energy??, to create enough stuff to blog about!!! haha I’m hoping this will change though and as I am typing this I am actually in my art room and I think I will make something instead of getting sucked into Pinterest as usual!! haha
hi Marit,
I just wanted to check in. I was to do the New Mexico state on the big road trip.
I read your post that you stopped with that. I am so sorry about that.
I can understand your reasons.
I sent you a friend notice on fb. I will order Seth A. book also.
That is super you are in his book!
I am currently taking Randel Plowmans experiments in collage online class.
I think you and I have a love for paper in common.
Keep going with your blogs. I do read them!
Beetje late reactie van mij…maar fijn dat je weer terug bent in blogland! Een burn out…wat naar zeg! Hopelijk ben je gauw weer de oude! Je bent al wel weer lekker bezig geweest zie ik…mooi werk weer hoor! Groetjes mirjam