This week, I found something back that I’d thought was gone: to be lost
in a story. The last days, I found myself in another time and another country,
far away from here. Now and then I woke up as if from a trance, because there
was coffee to be poured, or food that had to be cooked – but I was only half
in this world. In my mind, I galloped with daring knights or I sailed on a boat
on a lake where – behind the mists – Avalon waited for me.
I was Druid, Goddess, Knight and Minstrel.
Sorry dear ones, I wasn’t in this world.
I sat in the Spring sun and I read.
I got a tan without noticing it, and I found a long-lost treasure:
to travel to other times and places and be gone from this world.
I am back to the one I once was – a reader.
Reading was a big part of me that I had lost and now it’s back
and I feel complete again!
Here’s the evildoer:
Don’t be afraid – I have not forgotten you.
I left my book downstairs on the table.
It’s Friday, and as a faithful and brave knight – I won’t forsake you.
Here are some list-pages!
List 17 – Words that are hard to spell
I’m very keen on spelling mistakes and I’m pretty good at writing correctly
– in the Dutch language that is. Therefor, writing in English keeps me humble
’cause I know I make a lot of grammatical ánd spelling mistakes.
There are lots of words that I have trouble with writing and my list would be
endless, but this one word seems to really haunt me! Misc E ll A neous.
I just keep on forgetting where the E and the A are supposed to be…
although I looked it up a hundred times; it just won’t stick to my mind…
List #18 – Road trip must-haves
Most of you know: I don’t like ‘going on vacation’.
I don’t take road trips for fun, but I did a lot of traveling years ago.
“That was long ago and far away” – and a complete different story,
but anyway: I made my list with those trips in mind.
I always had at least the above things with me, and I still find these
the most important things to take with me when I unexpectedly should
go on a road-trip…
List #19 – Recipes I want to try
I gave this a little twist 😉
It’s clear that cooking is not my hobby!
Today is the last day that temperatures will be high enough
to sit outside in the back yard.
Today is the day that I will finish my book.
My paint and brushes are sadly weeping when I pass them by…
but I’m planning a party with them this weekend.
They will have to wait one more day.
I can’t resist Morgaine’s call that comes to me through the mists of Avalon.
I want to know – No, I HAVE to know what happens with Arthur and Lancelot.
I’m under a spell. Another afternoon of reading, and the spell will be broken
with a big sigh.
see you next week dear ones!
Haha..zooo herkenbaar! Wat is er nou heerlijker dan in een hoekje opkrullen met een goed boek en compleet in het verhaal verdwijnen? Helaas gun ik mijzelf die gelegenheid alleen op vakantie als ik mijn hobbyspul niet bij me heb…Tja, en koken…het is dat het soms noodzakelijk is maar elke passie ontbreekt me daarbij!Leuk om zo te lezen!
Ik ben met dat boek (die boeken) opgehouden omdat ik er op een gegeven moment TÉ inzat en ervan ging dromen. Ik heb de moed nog niet gehad het weer eens op te pakken…
Een heel fijn weekend – Irma
Hi Marit
Thank you for your comment on my blog this morning, how clever you are to have mastered Adobe Illustrator – Photoshop I can find my way around, but vector graphics baffle me. And besides, I sit at a computer all day for work, in my spare time I would rather be sat with my paper, paints, scissors and glue 🙂
You said you feel a connection, well I have another for you – I also read (or rather devoured) a book – a novel, not an art or jewellery technique book – a couple of weeks ago for the first time in YEARS. And it was wonderful! I’d forgotten how it feels! I have been so busy the past few years that I never seemed to have the time to read for hours on end – all I did was dip in and out of magazines and technique books – but a friend lent me the latest Dan Brown book (yes, I know they are nonsense, but enjoyable and immersive nonsense), and that was me gone from the world for 3 days, locked in my room, reading reading reading 🙂
Then came a busy fortnight at work, so no reading during that time, but this week all is back to normal and I ran straight to the bookshop on Monday and bought three nice fat novels 🙂 mmmmm, new book smell 🙂 I have also added it to my goals list to read 30 novels over the next 2 years or so – as I hope by then it will have become an ingrained enough habit that I won’t lose it again.
By the way, have you read Sarum by Edward Rutherfurd? I read it years ago but it sounds quite similar to the book you are reading now, other than covering a wider range of history. It really is excellent, I can highly recommend it. I think it was reading this book (all set around Salisbury and Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England) when I was a young girl growing up in London miles away, that sowed the seeds that made me relocate here to Wiltshire when I was older…
I’m very glad to have met you via blogland – it’s always great to find a kindred spirit
Wat een heerlijke post Marit!! ik geniet ook zoooo van het weer, jammer dat dit inderdaad waarschijnlijk de laatste dag is 🙁 !! Ik kom wel een beetje weinig aan bloggen en scrappen toe maar het is gewoon te zonde om binnen te blijven!! Je lijstjes zijn ook weer geweldig leuk, heel herkenbaar (behalve dan dat mijn spelling niet zo top is, ook niet in het Nederlands ben ik bang)
Geniet van vandaag!!!
Superrrr je nieuwe pagina´s!
Het blijft een genot om ze te lezen (en te zien 🙂
Enjoy your weekend, the sun and the book 😉
I totally understand the sirens’ call – I read voraciously. Enjoy the sunshine and your book! How funny your cooking page is – I love to cook and bake! And I understand your spelling problems – English is an idiotic language with rules and yet so very many words that don’t follow the rules.
I just love your journal pages Marit, I need to do some list ones very soon!! I too used to read voraciously and when I started scrapping I let it slip away, only to pick up magazines to read. Now that I have my Sony Reader I have been reading more than ever and I love it!!!!! It’s like meeting an old friend again isnt’ it?
hehehehehehe… the one word that gets me every time is ABSOLUTELY… if I don’t type it all in one big long key stroke… I mess it up…and have to delete it and start over!! LOL!!! So, yes, I can totally RELATE!!! The English language is a PAIN in the butt! LOL!! And I love love love love love your pages… and I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the ROAD TRIP one… I have that SAME LIST when I go anywhere! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Oh Marit, you have made me want to snuggle up with a book big time ! I haven’t read like I used to in a long time either. I am headed on a little vacation with my hubby in a few weeks and I know that the pages will be an adventure for me then. Love the Mists of Avalon – I read it way back when and yes, it is totally captivating and otherworldly.
Enjoy your reading and your paint brush party !
I have a passion for reading as well. I do most of my reading in the summer lazing around our camp/cottage.
Oh to slip away into another world 🙂
Marit, I cannot go a day without reading… and my Nick and I read “Quick Reads” by famous authors (short stories or novelettes), every night before we go to sleep, so I do understand the pull of a good book!
If you were here, I’d treat you to homemade bread no problem – I love to cook!! Maybe one day, eh?!!
Have a lovely arty weekend! xx
Lekker hè, met dit weer in de tuin een boek lezen! Helaas heb ik daar geen tijd voor gehad. ook niet voor de lijstjes! Dat kwam er ook niet van! Die van jouw zijn weer super leuk! Vooral de laatste is grappig! Nog veel plezier met je boek en een fijn weekend!
Ohhhhh, Yesssssss! I too once lived with my nose totally absorbed in a book with the world swirling around my head unnoticed, Marit!!!! ((Sigh!!!) What a treat to sink into a good book. Here’s a warning . . . Don’t start reading any of the “Girl in a Hornet’s Nest” series! They’re addicting, as was “My LIfe as a Geisha” . . . .. I LOVE traveling in books!!!! No e-reader for me!!! Enjoy the sunshine . . . and the party with your paintbrushes tomorrow too! Happy Weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Weer een aantal super pagina’s Marit! Ben alweer benieuwd naar je volgende post, iedere keer weer iets om naar uit te kijken… Er is zoveel te zien op je pages… Ben het he-le-maal eens met dat ontbijtje :)! En wat hebben we een mooi weer gehad, helaas ziet het er vandaag niet zo mooi uit als ik naar buiten kijk, maar het begin is gemaakt! Mocht je je boek nog niet uit hebben: veel plezier, en een heel fijn weekend, vol creativiteit!
Zo knap dat je altijd de juiste plaatjes bij je werk weet te vinden!! Dat VW busje en die man in de keuken…. GEWELDIG!!!
Heb je je boek al uit?? Weer terug aan ‘t komen in de echte wereld??
Heel veel plezier vandaag met je verf en kwasten!!!! En natuurlijk een heel fijn weekend!
Nou, je zult je boek nu zo langzamerhand wel uit hebben, he?
Wat een geweldige lijstjes heb je weer gemaakt!! Ik moest vreselijk lachen om dat lijstje over koken! Ik heb er ook zo’n hékel aan!
Goed Marit, je hebt nog één dag om je te verliezen in een goed boek of om lekker met je verf en kwasten te spelen. Maandag wacht er weer schrijfwerk op je!!!!
Geniet van je zondag!
I love that book!!
Hi there. I love your lists pages. I love that picture of the cute van. I’ve recently rekindled my love of reading too. My husband bought me a e-Nook for my birthday last year and it’s the best thing ever. I’ve been a reading fool so I totally understand how you feel.
Hope you are having a great weekend. =)
I have been reading about the faeries of Ireland lately. But my time has mostly been taken up with matters of work…report cards, grading papers, writing lesson plans; the rest of my time…driving children around to various events. I love your pages and it feels good to catch up with you. If I make it to see you some day, I will do the cooking if you will wash the dishes.
Escapism is the best! I recently noticed that all the books I’m reading (I always read several books at the same time) were non-fiction. And in the bookweek I also picked two non-ficion books. I’m going to set things straight in London bookstores soon!
LOL, that ‘Recipes’ page is funny!
p.s.: you do know there’s a whole series, don’t you?
Ja ik heb ook helemaal zin gekregen om te gaan lezen, ik heb zelfs net een nieuw boek besteld!
Voordat ik begon met scrappen las ik veel meer.
Die man in schort vind ik helemaal te gek, waar kan ik die bestellen 😉
Groetjes Viv
Oh heerlijk hè? lezen!!! Wat fijn dat je het weer “gevonden” hebt. Dat boek heb ik trouwens in de kast staan maar nog nooit gelezen… misschien toch maar eens aan beginnen.
De roadtrips must haves … op de cigarettes na, helemaal mee eens!!!!! en tja, dat koken he! mannen!!!! Hele gave creaties trouwens! echt!!!