I woke up very early this morning.
The sun peeped through the curtains and the room was full of light.
I was just dozing off again when, in the corner of my eye, I saw something
strange hovering in the air … it looked like a smoke-curl, but it was not.
The shape of the curl changed while it swirled through the room and the
colours seemed to flow from red to orange to yellow… It was a happy curl!
Suddenly I was wide awake!
I blinked with my eyes – yep, still there…
I wondered what this could be…
and then it hit me – it was a vibe!
Someone had sent me a vibe!
Now I was really curious!
What kind of vibe would it be?
In any event a fun, positive vibe for its color was so bright!
I jumped out of bed, took a leap and then I caught him.
My oh my… it was a cleaning vibe! YAY!
I don’t know who send it to me, but THANK YOU!!!
It was just the one I needed!
I used it well during the day, and it shrank to just an eeny meeny little vibe.
I layed it beside the computer so it could rest. I have the feeling it will be
strong enough tonight to take off again, and I’ll send it to someone else
who needs it. (Jenneke perhaps? Keep your eyes open tomorrow girl!)
Do you expect photo’s of a clean house now?
I didn’t take one… but I have some artwork from last weekend to show you!
(Remember: you can click on each image to enlarge for a better view!)
The new prompt at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal is up!
As always, the prompts are designed for you to take all or parts of the
three part prompt and use the idea as a jumping off point for YOUR art!!
Use the songs as inspiration, create your piece as the prompt applies to you
and use the off the wall product/techniques to stretch yourself a bit!
THE PROMPT: Promises
THE SONG: Run Devil Run by Kesha
PRODUCT/TECHNIQUE: The poison symbol
As you know, I’m a guest host at AYITLOAAJ and I make a page with
each prompt to inspire the participants. There’s something strange
going on with my pages though… at the beginning of the year I made
a square book especially for these prompts and the pages all seem to
turn out a bit like record album covers.
They don’t look like my ‘normal’ art journal pages at all…
well, never mind what they look like, here’s my contribution for this prompt.
Run devil run
(21 x 19,5 cm - 8.3 x 7.7 inch)
I had the image of the cartoon (I think she’s called ‘Electra’?)
and I found it very fitting and complementary for the song lyrics.
The background is painted black, white watersoluble crayons for the ‘light’
behind the figure, the title is written with sharpie markers and the border
is made with puffy paint.
Birthday card for my uncle
(approximately 15 x 15 cm - 6 x 6 inch)
See those ‘waves’??? I carved my own ‘wave stamp’ and used clear embossing
powder. After spraying the dark blue mist over it, I wiped it away from the
waves and it left me with this image! The powder wasn’t really neat on the ink,
but I love the effect it gives with the blue ink over it… like foam bubbles!
Last but not least…
The Chronicles of Marit 2011 – week 32
(30 x 21 cm - 11.8 x 8.3 inch)
My son came home from vacation (Portugal & Spain) last week and gave
me a set of postcards. They all contain images of the mosaic tiles from the
‘Mudéjar Palace’ in Sevilla and they are sooooo beautiful!
I didn’t want to cut them, so I scanned some of the patterns to print.
I used the pieces as a border. He also bought me a Spanish teaspoon –
it’s kind of a gimmick between him and me. Whenever he is on vacation,
he buys me a teaspoon! (My wicked collection ‘teaspoons Nout bought
me as a souvenir’ is up to ten now!) The spoon came in the little pocket
which is glued to the right. Ofcourse I used my hand-carved alphabet
and number stamps (see former post) for the dates.
I will be back with more (I hope) later this week!
Oh, and Dutch girls: enjoy the sunshine!
Kim Mailhot says
I need a cleaning vibe but not until late nex week as I am leaving for Montreal (a 5 hours drive) tomorrow to visit some friends for a week. Lucky girl, I am!
I love your pages – the ones where you get pushed out of your usual and the ones that are uniquely Marit style ! You keep such beautiful documents of your life well lived, my friend ! Enjoy your spoon !
Hanneke says
Heerlijk zo’n schoonmaak vibe (moet dan ook weer niet te vaak gebeuren natuurlijk), kan ik ook welgebruiken!! Wat een moois heb je weer gemaakt, de kaart is prachtig!! En wat een leuke traditie met de theelepeltjes is dat zeg!!
Geniet van het mooie weer!!
Natalie says
ik vind je Artjournal-page geweldig!!! Ben zelf ook in Spanje en Portugal geweest, en die mozaieken zijn zo mooi! En die golven, wat een mooi effect (en dat met een gave zelfgemaakte stempel, wow!). Bedankt voor je reactie, mijn oma was er inderdaad heel erg blij mee, er werden zelfs wat traantjes weggepinkt.
~*~Patty says
YES enjoy the sunshine!
glad you and the cleaning vibe got along so well together 😉
how sweet your manchild is and what a precious collection you and he are making
the colors in your wave card are splendid as is your hand carved stamp…wonderful creativity always from you Mz Marit!
Jenneke says
Oh my gosh…..Marit! Stuur je me echt een sliertje van je schoonmaak-vibe????? Help!! Kan het niet gebruiken morgen hoor, hihi. Heb afgesproken met m’n vriendin, en overmorgen met m’n zoon en vrijdag moet ik naar de fysio en zaterdag….en zondag….. Ohjee, ik vrees dat er geen ontkomen aan is….;-(
Ik wacht rustig af. Misschien ben ik wel ongevoelig voor dit soort vibes…..lol.
Theelepeltjes, vind ik nou helemaal niet bij jou passen 😉 Wel een hele leuke traditie!!
Ik denk dat we nog wel contact hebben deze week 😉
Annemarie says
Good, Good, Good, good vibrations! 🙂
phinner says
please send the cleaning vibe to the USA, specifically California! LOL!!!
I want to swim in your waves, and I really want to carve some alpha/number stamps!
you’re so inspiring, as usual…
Julie Tucker-Wolek says
hehehehe.. you are tooooooo cute!! I loveeeeeeee your new pages! :):):):):):):):):):):):)
Yyam says
Ooh…love Run devil run! Totally artsy! 🙂
I love the cleaning vibe…it helps clear my head! 🙂
Lena says
Ondanks je schrijfopdracht heb je toch veel kunnen maken deze week!!! Ik vind vooral je kaart ontzettend mooi!! Die golven gemaakt met je eigen stempel…. WAUW!!!! En je alfabet- en cijferstempels zien er op je weekjournaal ook fantastisch uit!!
Een beetje van je schoonmaak vibe heeft mijn huis gevonden… ga nu de stofzuiger pakken…
miruspeg says
Oh Marit what was wonderful post. I love your sense of humour and of course your artwork is amazing.
What a gorgeous creative soul you are my friend.
Warm heart hugs
Peggy xxxxx
Terri Kahrs says
How wonderful that your cleaning vibe is colorful and bright. Mine usually has a sharp barb attached to it to poke me somewhere unpleasant! LOL!
Your son’s vacation postcards were a wonderful gift, Marit. LOVE that you’ve scanned them to use those gorgeous tiles in your artwork. I’ve a feeling we’ll be seeing them again.
Just returned from my blogging break. Your post was a lovely way to return to Blogland!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Rosie says
LOVE the wave card! Your stamps are very cool! Electra is wild… and your artwork is always a joy to behold! The cleaning vibe may have been me!!!! A package leaves here for you tomorrow. Hopefully you’ll get it next week – enjoy the weekend! xo
Thinkie says
Zo’n cleaningvibe kan ik ook wel gebruiken, met het oog op het in orde maken van onze flat voor verkoop. Maar dan ook de benodigde energie erbij graag!
Een Lissabons theelepeltje zie ik aan het zakje!