Hi there beautiful people, here's an update from my tower-room-atelier where the light is beautiful, the inspiration is flowing and the music is good. It's August and in the early mornings I sometimes can smell Autumn in the air... the sign for me to get active again. I'm talking about making new … [Read more...]
Changing moods
First: I want to point out THIS POST to you... We are equally excited to have this girl on board! Welcome Jennifer! ... and then there's this... (are you counting down the days already?) Only one week to go... ‘Quirky Dutch Summer’ is a series of inspirational posts in English and … [Read more...]
battle against the ice blocks
We experience yet another cold (very cold - for Dutchies) day! My beloved and I were having trouble with it all weekend. The drain pipe from the heating boiler and washing machine is but small, and the part that is outside is frozen. Not able to do the laundry isn't a problem (if necessary, I … [Read more...]
In the middle of…
... a lot! I could type it all down - things I have to do, work I'm facing, preparations etc. - but that would show 'black on white' why I should stress out, and I rather keep the stress as far away as possible. So let's say I'm in the middle of 'pursuits'... I'm facing a lot right now, but … [Read more...]
More vibes…
I woke up very early this morning. The sun peeped through the curtains and the room was full of light. I was just dozing off again when, in the corner of my eye, I saw something strange hovering in the air ... it looked like a smoke-curl, but it was not. The shape of the curl changed while it … [Read more...]
Lazy days are over…
Last week was my last 'lazy week' which I spend (as you know) reading and creating. Again, my days will be filled with writing articles for Creatief met Foto's. The next issue of the magazine will be in the stores in the first week of May, and I have to fill it before that... that means I have … [Read more...]
A Wednesday post…
It's a bit odd to write a post on Wednesday- but after this one, I will be back in the routine of posting on Tuesdays and Fridays... promise! And what do I have for you today? .. First, the new prompt for A Year in the Life of an Art Journal THE PROMPT: Confidence Shot THE SONG: Strut … [Read more...]