At the beginning of the year, I showed a photo of this new “Chronicles” art journal that was in the making. Well, I finished it and even created some first pages/spreads in it. I did have time for that last week ’cause I’d taken a few weeks off from work but my vacation went a bit differently than expected… a pity, ’cause I was so ready for it, having a few weeks off! I usually work in the summer so that colleagues can get away and I take only one or two days off here and there, but never take a long vacation or travel in the summer months.
So now I thought it would be nice to relax in my studio after the New Year (because the last week of December was of course all about my Top 2000 blog party which had me busy-busy-busy) I planned on spending time in my atelier, go for walks with my beloved and spend quality time with my son (yep, another ‘mother-son’ trip was on the program…) But that didn’t happen because my beloved got sick. Just before New Year’s Eve he suddenly had a lot of pain in his stomach… He was nauseous/vomiting from the pain so there was definitely something wrong… the next day the pain was a bit less but we still went to the doctor… his blood had to be drawn and at the end of the afternoon the GP called that he had to go to the emergency room in the hospital. Immediately! (Hip hip hooray for having a car!!!) His blood values, which indicate inflammation in his body, were alarmingly high. I looked it up later… 10 or less is good and in his case it came to 231… oops!
To make a long story short: he had to stay there for two days/nights but they couldn’t find wat was wrong – the blood values dropped ‘on their own’ and he was send home again. We still don’t know what it was and despite the fact that the pain is gone, he still feels not well and wobbly but last week I finally could breath a bit and spend some days in my atelier. The mother-son trip is posponed ’till February and I hope there will be no problems then.
Anyway, I started my new journal so here it is, my Chronicles for 2025
Front cover
Binding with little beads
Back cover
First page, my OLW (One Little Word) for this year
Week 1
Week 2
I hope the year will bring nice days and nice spreads without more trouble or illnesses…
Thanks for stopping by my blog, enjoy your weekend.
Je ‘t embrasse.
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