For the Quirky Dutch Summer blogseries 2019
who want to write an inspiration-blogpost or tutorial.
Quirky Dutch Summer is a blog series that runs in the Summer. It is a regularly recurring event during the Summer months. During Quirky Duch Summer (or QDS) I publish special, inspirational posts on a weekly base. Posts filled with inspiration and short tutorials, so that one can keep the creativity flowing during the Summer months.
Quirky blogposts
Ten weeks during the Summer, ten posts that are like the Dutch Summer itself: quirky! You know how Dutch summers are: one day it is hot and the next day the wind blows. One day you go to the beach, the next day the weather is perfect for a city trip or a visit at the museum. The Quirky series is just as erratic. There is no build-up line in the posts. There is only one general theme: inspiration! The posts can focus on a certain technique, handle a certain topic but you will also find fully elaborated tutorials! You can basically just see the series as a free – 10 week – ‘summer art school’.
I am interested
Are you interested in being one of my guest-artist-teachers this Summer and write a blog post for the series? (The Quirky posts are published in English and Dutch, you can write in one of these languages and I take care of the translation.)
Send me an e-mail in which you briefly tell something about yourself (what kind of artist are you? Art journaling? Card-making? Scrap booking? Stamping? Painting? Collages? Mixed Media?) and what kind of guest-blog post/tutorial you would like to write. I don’t ask you to write a long letter or blog post (yet) , just let me know if you are interested to be my guest-blogger and throw me your ideas before March 31. In April, I choose 6 different guests – 3 Dutch and 3 non-Dutch, and we can work out the details. If you have any questions before submitting, shoot me an email also.
To get an idea of former Quirky Dutch Summer post, go to THIS PAGE. You’ll find info and the links to former blog post there.
This sounds such fun Marit. A Dutch Summer full of creative inspiration! I look forward to reading it all.
Big creative Hugs Tracey xx
Yes Marit I agree with Tracey you always seem to find talented people to joint this group.
All the very best.
Peggy xxxx
Heb je al voldiende deelnemers? Heb dan wel geen idee wat ik zou willen doen (#happytags?) maar wil je wel graag “helpen” 😉
LG – Irma