Deze post in het NEDERLANDS lezen? Klik hier Quirky Dutch Summer Do you have no idea what 'Quirky Dutch Summer' is all about? Read this post first. There is a Facebook group for sharing your QDS work here. QDS 2019 runs from June 10 - August 12. There will be an inspiring … [Read more...]
Quirky Dutch Summer 2019 – #4 Marit
Deze post in het NEDERLANDS lezen? Klik hier Quirky Dutch Summer Do you have no idea what 'Quirky Dutch Summer' is all about? Read this post first. There is a Facebook group for sharing your QDS work here. QDS 2019 runs from June 10 - August 12. There will be an inspiring … [Read more...]
Quirky Dutch Summer 2019 – #3 Guest: Nel Wisse
Deze post in het NEDERLANDS lezen? Klik hier Quirky Dutch Summer Do you have no idea what 'Quirky Dutch Summer' is all about? Read this post first. There is a Facebook group for sharing your QDS work here. QDS 2019 runs from June 10 - August 12. There will be an inspiring … [Read more...]
Quirky Dutch Summer: CALL for guest bloggers/teachers
For the Quirky Dutch Summer blogseries 2019 ***I AM LOOKING FOR CREATIVE GUEST ARTISTS/TEACHERS*** who want to write an inspiration-blogpost or tutorial. Quirky Dutch Summer is a blog series that runs in the Summer. It is a regularly recurring event during the Summer months. During … [Read more...]
Quirky Dutch Summer 2015 – Appendix
QDS 2015 - Appendix Quirky Dutch Summer is almost done, dear ones. Vacation is over, children go back to school, working days start and Autumn is just around the corner... A big THANK YOU goes to this year's guest bloggers, Marcia, Roben-Marie, Revlie, Jessica and Tammy. You made this series … [Read more...]
Quirky Dutch Summer #10 Guest: Tammy Garcia
Deze post in het NEDERLANDS lezen? Klik hier Quirky Dutch Summer Do you have no idea what 'Quirky Dutch Summer' is all about? Read this post first. All the posts - newest at the top, oldest down below - can be found here. There is a Facebook group for sharing your QDS work … [Read more...]
Quirky Dutch Summer #9
Deze post in het NEDERLANDS lezen? Klik hier Quirky Dutch Summer Do you have no idea what 'Quirky Dutch Summer' is all about? Read this post first. All the posts - newest at the top, oldest down below - can be found here. There is a Facebook group for sharing your QDS work … [Read more...]