In November last year, Seth from The Altered Page called all artists
to submit work for a book he was working on. Seth hosted many
‘collaboration project’ during the last years, and I took part in some.
Although I was very busy the last months of 2010, I managed to answer
his ‘questions list’ for the book and submit a piece. Last week, I received
an e-mail that one-or-more (?) of my answers from the list will end up
in the book, but my art piece didn’t make it.
I’m kinda relieved about that too… I almost emailed him last month to ask him
NOT to choose my piece. When I look back at it now, I don’t find it very good.
It’s OK, but not GOOD. Somehow, my soul isn’t in it.
I’m glad Seth noticed that himself (although he’s too kind to say that!)
Besides being a great artist, I think he’s a good viewer/critic!
But the page isn’t bad either, so today I want to show it here on my blog.
I’d like to hear what you think of it.
Used materials:
Paper (170 gram), Gesso (to prepare the paper), Acrylic paints, Sewing machine/red thread, Black markers (‘Stabilo” small and fine)
And this is the text, that’s written on the page:
The famous Dutch writer Harry Mulisch once stated that all people have
an ‘absolute age’. According to him, that is the age you’ve always been
and always shall be no matter how old you are. My inner age is nineteen.
The way I look at the world, deal with emotions and feel about myself
never really changed since then. I have a habit to put everything literally
into words. I am sort of an outsider, viewing my own life from a distance
and writing my own, private book about it. That doesn’t necessarily mean
I write it down on paper – sometimes the story stays in my head.
My head is full of words. I became aware of this when I was nineteen
and I discovered that only a few people have this literary inner life.
(Those people mostly become writers, by the way).
Why do I put everything into words, what’s the purpose of it all?
I thought a lot about it and came to this conclusion: it enables me
to analyze and understand myself in an almost scientific way.
It allows me to ‘re-read’ my own life. I look at my actions and emotions
from different angles and by doing that, I can learn from myself.
By turning my words into art journals, I also leave a legacy for the ones
that come after me. The Marit chronicles: written by a woman who stayed
nineteen all her life.
And here’s a detail photo of the stitching
It really is a coincidence that last weeks page in my Chronicles shows
a face and is made in exactly the same colours as the former page.
I do like my ‘week 14 page’ a lot better than the above page though.
The Chronicles of Marit – week 14
What do you think?
Which page do you prefer?
I have a few days work left to finish this week, but by Friday I will have more
breathing space. I’m looking forward to it already! I also can’t wait to visit my
friend Lena and see her face when she sees what kind of surprise I have for her
50th birthday. It’s got to stay a secret for now (after all – she reads this, aren’t
you dear? 😉 ) but I can tell you already – Lena is going to love what I have in
store for her and it’s hard to keep my mouth shut!
I will tell you all about it after her birthday, I promise!
OH, and a NOTE:
Next week, the registration for ‘Summer Camp’ opens!
If you subscribe to the newsletter on the website here, you’ll get notified.
Choose either English or Dutch by changing the language button on the site.
Enjoy your week my lovelies!
See you on Friday!
I LOVE that Innermost piece!
The stitching and the words, oh my 🙂
I like them both, but the first one blew me away. I was pleasantly surprised that you stitched on that 1st one. Awesome
Wat bewonder ik jouw creativiteit!! Volgens mij heb ik dat al tig keer gezegd maar ik blijf het herhalen, want het is zo! En wat een prachtige journaling, echt schitterend!!
Welke van de 2 ik het mooist vind?? Ik denk de eerste. Zo knap hoe je die gemaakt hebt, met het stikwerk en de manier waarop je de tekst hebt verwerkt!
Je bent een topper, Marit!
Both pages are awesome in their own way, Marit. I love the journaling in the first, but I love the graphic quality and composition of the 2nd page better than the first. Your work never disappoints and always inspires me. Hugs, Terri xoxo
Tjemig…mijn mond hangt ervan open! Wat een techniek heb je op die eerste losgelaten!!!! Mega geweldig en eerlijk gezegd verbaast het mij dat ie niet is opgenomen in dat boek. Maar dat weet je soms toch nooit…Ik vind ‘m in ieder geval super gaaf! En die tweede trouwens ook. Zo knap ook hoe je het voor elkaar krijgt om zoveel journaling op één pagina te krijgen.
This is INCREDIBLE!!! I have pinned it on my Pinterest I love it so much!
Hope I am able to catch up on your past couple of months’ posts….I’ve been so MIA with family stuff. 🙁
Oh Marit…if only there had been more space in the book. Both of these pieces have so much impact!
I think they are both amazing!! And that journaling… I think I could have written that about me! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Wat een toeval dat beide werken uit deze post in dezelfde kleurstelling zijn… staat wel heeeel mooi!! Eerlijk gezegd vind ik de tweede mooier. Op mij komt die wat “losser” over.
Wel knap van je is dat ik de foto herken die je voor de eerste hebt gebruikt, zag meteen dat het een zelfportret was!! De tekst die je daarvoor gebruikt hebt vind ik prachtig!! Ik denk dat mijn “absolute age” ook een stuk jonger is dan ik in werkelijkheid ben…. hihi (ja, ik grijp álles aan om maar niet toe te moeten geven dat ik toch echt al 50 word….) Je hebt me trouwens vreselijk nieuwsgierig gemaakt meis!!!!
I love both of your pages!! They are similar, but very different!! How can you think the first one wouldn’t contain any “soul”? It is YOU!! How fabulous of an artist do you have to be to do that??? And the sewing too?? Splendid indeed my friend!!
Congrats and what heartfelt journaling! I like both of them = each represents a specific time in you life’s journey.
Marit… wat bent je toch werkelijk een art-journal-talent!
Mijn voorkeur gaat ook naar de eerste.
Wat een prachtexemplaar zeg!
Ik vind ze allebei geweldig! Maar de eerste… dat stikwerk, Wow!!!! En dan je journaling, zo knap hoe je dat steeds op papier krijgt!
wat een prachtig werk marit! de eerste vind ik echt super! erg mooi hoe je de journaling in jouw gezicht hebt verwerkt en de stiksels!
I really like both pieces – they are similar but so different. The stitching and the use of your face in the first seems (for me) more personal than the 2nd one – but that one (again for me) has a more startling quality. Like the person emerging thru the words. Maybe the first moves inwards and the second is moving outwards? Anyway – excited about camp!!!!!
Personally? I prefer your original page, because it’s your image, complete with marvellously stitched glasses. However, this week’s spread flows better perhaps…
I love the entire idea that you have lived your inner life, aged 19. I wonder what age I am, really?
I am so glad your writing stint has almost finished now, because I have missed your colourful art!
Have a wonderful visit with your friend Lena! xx