Only one night of sleep and online Creative Summer Camp opens! The past few days I've been busy uploading all the documents into the community. This afternoon, I already received emails from participants... they can hardly wait to start :D I feel a bit like a scout leader (what's that … [Read more...]
Setting up the tents ;)
Last week I was busy "putting up the tents" for the creative summer camp. :) The doors will open in about three weeks and everything has to be in tip-top order by then! HUH??? Tents??? No, ofcourse not! You all know by now that the Creative Summer Camp is an online event!!! But … [Read more...]
Something old, something new
In November last year, Seth from The Altered Page called all artists to submit work for a book he was working on. Seth hosted many 'collaboration project' during the last years, and I took part in some. Although I was very busy the last months of 2010, I managed to answer his 'questions list' … [Read more...]