Friday haiku ~ Kaardenbollen ~ als kleine lampjes die ontstoken worden door de vroege herfstzon ~ Teasels ~ a field of teasels gets lit by the autumn sun like little lightbulbs Photo: @LenaSchreijenberg A couple of months ago I created a tiny little journal. The … [Read more...]
woyww #378
This week is full of appointments, visits, events and having my son and his girlfriend over... so I'll keep this post very short. Here's the photo of my desk - as it looked on Monday morning, looks today (Wednesday) and it probably will still look like this when I get back to it (on … [Read more...]
Tiny art journal & woyww #362
Good morning lovely ones... I am not in the mood to write much today but I have a tiny little art journal to show you and of course a photo of my work desk... so without further ado: enjoy the photos! WOYWW #362 London Calling (tiny art journal, size: 5 x 7 cm – 1.95 x 2.75 … [Read more...]
woyww #293 – a tiny little art journal
Goodmorning "woyww-hoppers," ready for yet another round of 'desk hopping' around the world? I know I am! And of course I show you what's on my desk too this morning. (What's On My Workdesk? Wednesday is a weekly blogseries/hop hosted by Julia in the United Kingdom and lots of crafty people share … [Read more...]