Goodmorning on this "Black Friday", which does not look black to me... blue skies and a little sunshine light up my morning and I don't plan to go into town to buy things but stay in my atelier and create a storm instead! But first, here's my weekly haiku and I also have a happy, little booklet … [Read more...]
Friday haiku
The photo is made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg ... en dan nu het weer: overwegend harde wind. Aan zee stormachtig. ... and for the weather: strong wind, growing to storm in the coast areas (This storm was last week... today is nice and sunny and there's a 'Tribute to … [Read more...]
Haiku on Friday – House in the dunes
Photo made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg op je tenen staand moet je vanuit dat raampje de zee kunnen zien Standing on your toes in front of that small window you should see the sea I submit today's haiku to Recuerda Mi Corazon where our lovely hostess Rebecca brings us all … [Read more...]
Me & Hadewijch
Did you miss me last Friday? I was here: After all the hard work last weeks, I needed a little break. My 'men' and I stayed with my parents. We visited an art exhibition and ofcourse I had to say hello to my beloved waves... I started working on a big art journal page last week. I … [Read more...]