Weeks and weeks, even months, passed by without me posting my "Chronicles" art journal pages... the pages I show you today are from February... made in another place, another time, HA, another life almost... Oh, and there's a brand new art journal page at the end of this post... so there you … [Read more...]
Starburst and woyww #270
Hello there lovelies, here I am blogging again! It feels a bit odd after all these months of silence and I'm still not 'into the groove', but I'm trying dear ones, I'm trying and I do hope I will get back to regular creating and blogging soon... untill then, I hope to surprise you (and myself) … [Read more...]
Found Poetry Friday #11
I love poetry. I am especially fond of 'found poetry', and I mean found in all its forms... found in book titles, found in magazines, on book pages, cut out words and sentences - you name it. There is so much possible when it comes to 'found poetry'... and this kind of poetry is also … [Read more...]
Book Title Haiku & “Risky” Art Journaling
The grey and rainy weather in the Netherlands is starting to get on my nerves. It is affecting my mood lately, heck, even Mr. Mojo seems to stay rather in bed than play at the studio table. I'm sorry dear ones, I will not make this a wining post. I better show you pictures instead of … [Read more...]
Tales from the Studio and woyww #194
It has come to my attention that a lot of woyww-participants prefer a short post showing only the picture of the workdesk. I am not the type for very short posts - so feel free to skip the 'tale' and scroll right to the bottom of this post to find my workdesk. Last month, I showed you the … [Read more...]
Book title Haiku & Thunderstorms
Goodmorning dear ones and a special goodmorning to my friends from the haiku-circle... I'm back to continue where I left off: another haiku in my bookcase. Haiku My Heart Friday Mijn Kleine OorlogRevolutionary RoadHorrible Tango My Little WarRevolutionary RoadHorrible … [Read more...]
Book title haiku #3
& Art Journals
It's 'Haiku my Heart Friday' and so I have a haiku for you. Again it is one I found in my book case... I'm by any means done with book titles, and this is a special one! While collecting books for my 'haiku series', my beloved asked me if I could come up with a haiku using only books from his … [Read more...]