Last week was my last ‘lazy week’ which I spend (as you know) reading
and creating. Again, my days will be filled with writing articles for
Creatief met Foto’s. The next issue of the magazine will be in the stores
in the first week of May, and I have to fill it before that… that means
I have to write approximately 18 articles in the next three weeks – it is
clear that art journaling will be put on a back burner during that time.
But it certainly won’t come to a complete art journal stop…
you know me 😉 I can’t do without art journaling!
Although the quantity of pages will be less in the next weeks,
I have a lot to show you today! All made last week and weekend.
Here we go…
30 Days of Lists is nearing it’s end… I skipped two prompts,
and have 6 more to go (tomorrow’s prompt included)
Here are some lists I made last week
List 20 – Celebrity Crushes
Thank goodness the List-blog said “Think of ‘crush’ as liberally
as you like” ’cause the age of having ‘crushes’ is long gone 😀
Looking at my wrinkles and eyelids I find it hard to believe, but Yep –
I was a teenager once. And ooohhh, did I had crushes!
You want to know those names too I guess *teehee*
Well, I’m in a good mood – lucky you!
My teenage crushes
- Rutger Hauer
- Tony Baretta (the actor Robert Blake in this role)
- The Bay City Rollers (ALL of them!)
- John Travolta
those are the ones that come to mind right away.
Thinking of the ones NOW, quite a few names came to mind for one reason
or another… some I admire, some I find inspiring and some (guys) are
just too gorgeous to not name.
It turned out that I didn’t have enough room to glue all the pics on one page.
I had to tape an extra piece to it to show them all!
- Benoite Groult (1920) – a French author who I admire.
Her books gave me a lot of insight, confidence and strength! - Aragorn – Viggo Mortensen in “Lord of the Rings” – but to be honest:
I was in love with (the character) Aragorn the first time I read the book,
long before the movie was made or Viggo was known.
He does meet the ideal image though! - Virginia Woolf (1882 – 1941) – English author, essayist, publisher,
and writer of short stories, regarded as one of the foremost modernist
literary figures of the twentieth century.
Inspirational woman with a wonderful writing style! - Rutger Hauer (1944) – Yes, he’s on my list. Still.
Rutger gets even better and more good looking now that he grows older! - Marilyn French (1929 – 2009) – American feminist and author.
The first book I read from her was ‘the Women’s room’ – I was 21 and
I’ll never forget how good it felt to read a story that handled the same
themes, ideas and feelings that I was struggling with.
Instant recognition! - Jacques Brel (1929-1978) – French singer/songwriter (Chansonier) –
His songs are like poetry, his voice gives me the shivers.
I’m a fan since my parents played one of his albums. I was five or six (??) - Helen Mirren (1945) – English actor – she played in the theater,
made tv series and movies. (she won a lot of awards) I admire her
for the way she acts ánd her ideas. - Leonard Cohen (1934) – Do I have to say more?
My fave poet-singer-idol! - Anais Nin (1903 – 1977) – was a French-Cuban author, famous for her
published journals, which span more than 60 years, beginning when she
was 11 years old and ending shortly before her death.
I read a great deal of her journals and admire her writing and her spirit! - (THE YOUNG!) Mickey Rourke (1952) – Oh man, was he good
looking back then! I did have a crush on him, but have you seen him
nowadays? Eeeeckkk!
Pfew, quite a list isn’t it?
On to some ‘easier’ lists now
List 22 – Today I saw
List 24 – I make lists for…
I’m not a list maker, and at first I thought I couldn’t make a page listing
my lists… but when I thought about it, I came up with a few.
Turns out I do make lists after all!
List 26 – Books I want to read
This prompt came the day after I wrote the former blogpost.
What a coincidence, and did I had fun making this list!
Some of the titles are already in my possession waiting to be read.
I read a review about the biography Keith Richard wrote and I got
real curious so that’s on my list too.
After reading my former blogpost, some of you gave me tips about
books to read and I included some titles to my list. Looks like I will
spend a lot of Summer evenings in the garden with a book this year!
To end this blogpost… (it is long enough as it is!)
The Chronicles of Marit 2011 – week 12
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I don’t thank you often enough, but I want you all to know
that I highly appreciate all your visits and comments!!!
Have a wonderful week sweeties!!
Alweer zo’n heerlijke post!! Ik vind je lijstjes zo leuk om te lezen, zie wel wat boeken die ook op mijn lijstje staan!!!
love your crush list! brilliant choices!
Oh I can’t believe how much we have in common – I adore Rutger Hauer (always have), Jean Reno, Leonard Cohen (and no, Mickey isn’t so cute nowadays!). I do enjoy your lists and shall be sad when you stop them. Your chronicles are wonderful spreads and I cannot believe that you are going to write 18 articles in 3 weeks. =O
Good luck!
PS – I blogged the wonderful post I got today! ‘o) xx
Wonderful lists! I found the Mists of Avalon last Friday at the used book store where I work and started re-reading it yesterday. Not sure how long ago it was that I read it but a long long time ago! It is just as powerful as I remembered. I really enjoyed the Millenium Trilogy (although it is not called that in the US) and have also read Sarum. Good luck with all the writing – you will be a busy bee!
Eighteen articles in 3 weeks! Yikes, Marit!!! You sure have a lot to accomplish!!! I’m so happy you’ve posted these pages — lots of interesting eye candy and fun facts too. Good luck with your assignments! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Wow you’ve been busy! THese are awesome!
Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you said Marilyn French! I haven’t thought about The Women’s Room in years, but I adored that book. I probably read it once a year every year of my 20’s. Just one more thing we have in common, Marit. I’ve got to find my copy and reread it asap!
These are AMAZING Marit! I love love love your celebrity lists!! And I totally AGREE about Mickey… he really grossed me out in The Wrestler! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
You are such a delight to visit dear Marit…so much creativity and I click with you on so many levels too!
Lists turned out to be such a great inspiration for journal pages…yours continue to amaze me!
Leuke lijstjes weer meis! Mooie foto’s van Brel en Rourke! De dames zeggen me eigenlijk weinig… ben geen lezer zoals je weet.
Je weekjournal ziet er weer prachtig uit, hou van alle kleurtjes die je hebt gebruikt. Past bij het lente-achtige weer van de laatste dagen!!
Succes bij het schrijven van al die artikelen!!!
Het to-do-lijstje met boeken die je nog wil lezen vind ik echt gaaf! En je weekly art page gaat duidelijk over het heerlijke weer van de afgelopen week. Idd zaterdag 22 graden… Eerst maar even zien, het regent hier nu, terwijl dat duidelijk niet heeft aangegeven :(… We hebben een crush gemeen: Aragon was voor mij ook het favoriete personage in de boeken, en een perfecte vondst was Viggo… Heel veel succes met het schrijven voor CMF!
Your lists are looking great! I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the celebrity crush one, but you have inspired me! Wonderful work as always Marit!
Ohhh, Rutger Hauer als Floris van Rozemont!!! Die had ik als plaat en lag altijd van hem te dromen als klein meisje. Dankjewel, dat je me nog eens aan hem heb herinnert!
Lieve groetjes – Irma
You are wonderful! I can write sooo much about this post!
First, this work is AMAZING.
Second, the Bay City Rollers! Every time you write about it, you make me laugh!!
Lists. I have a thousand lists!! I can’t believe you don’t usually write lists! I couldn’t live without them.
Keith Richards Bio! I first thought *gross*. Not that I don’t enjoy the Rolling Stones, I do, but He is a gross guy! And I’m sure he’s done some gross stuff in his day, but I too read really good reviews about his book, and I may have to read it too!!
You awesome lady! Rock on!!
Leuk om te lezen Marit!! Ik ben geen lijstje mens (zodra ik een lijstje wil maken ben ik alles vergeten), maar vind het erg leuk om de jouwe te lezen!! Heel veel sterkte met je artikelen schrijven… kijk er al naar uit!!! (btw als ik een keertje in CMF wil komen heb je enig idee wie ik kan mailen????)
Fijne dagen (met veel zon hoop ik!)
Oh Marit. I really enjoyed this blog post. I love your lists and I laughed out loud when I read the comment about mickey rourke.. lol. you are so right on that one. He was hot back in 9 1/2 weeks. I sure hope you saw that movie. steamy. I love Aragorn too. those are some of my all time fav movies. I want to read the book. I could chat with you a long time about your lists cause I see the Stieg Larson books are on the to read list. I just finished those. I loved them.
well, I’m getting ready to write my own book here. thanks for sharing. you always amaze me.
hugs. xo
I love the way you displayed your book list.
I’m sO with you on Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn! I could have written that bit of your post!