Last week, I received a comment on a forum where I have my art in galleries. When I went there to look to what page the comment was referring, it turned out that it was the very first 'Chronicles spread' I ever made. Some lady said she really loved it! I had not seen this spread myself for a … [Read more...]
Artist inspiration
Where do you find inspiration? This is an often asked question in the artist (blog)world and not always easy to answer. I, for instance, find inspiration all around me and it varies all the time. Take my latest art journal page... The Chronicles of Marit 2012 - Week 41 (click on the image … [Read more...]
Wavy lines
Some days are like that. Without reason or rhyme... suddenly... you wake up in the morning and cannot seem to think straight. There's a fog in your head. Days when you feel like this... Golvende lijnen als stoorzenders in mijn hoofd geen haiku vandaag Wavy, … [Read more...]
Warm thoughts…
... of you: for leaving me all those lovely birthday wishes last Tuesday. ... of you: for visiting the FEATURING website and facebook page, and being enthusiastic and of course for buying the magazine. ... of Josie George: who wrote this cheering blogpost. ... of fireplaces in the house … [Read more...]
Altered object
I am late with writing my blogpost today, but there is a reason for that. I have been working on an altered object last couple of days and only one little thing was left to do to finish it. Of course I wanted it done this morning, so I could show it on my blog. I managed with a little help from … [Read more...]
Glowing with Pride!
Last week brought a lot of stress and work, but we did it! Issue #2 of Featuring Magazine is finished and going to the printers! The second issue looks again fabulous and is jam packed with talented artists, interesting stories and all kinds of art. I'm glowing with pride!!! You don't … [Read more...]
Bottles, pen trays, hands
and chronicles
Remember I started to draw the 'EDM-drawing-challenges' in July? I started enthusiastic and made 4 drawings that first week, but then I stopped. Assignments got in the way and I also experimented with other techniques during the Summer. Also, I wanted to do every EDM challenge in the right order … [Read more...]