We're back with another week of drawings. The theme was "Tour the France" as both my son and I are huge fans of cycling and watch the stages of that bicycle race on tv as much as we can. Drawings made by me (Marit) Drawings made by Nout Thanks for stopping by … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 18th week
As a child, Nout had a fascination for the universe, encouraged by his "opa" (grandfather) who has a telescope and knows a lot about stars. I had an idea this theme would come up one day and I was right... last week Nout presented me the prompt for our drawings: "Starry skies, space, universe". When … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration 17th week
Another round of drawing... this time my son Nout and I both dived into the photo gallery of my friend @LenaSchreijenberg, who takes the most beautiful photos. We both choose three photos to draw from. Photos Marit choose to draw Drawings made by me (Marit) Photos Nout … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 16th week (with extra drawings!)
My son Nout and his beloved Guus spend a few days in a holiday house in a national park last week. The house stood nearby a big farm where they had all kinds of animals (and a lot of newborns as well... it's that time of year) so he came up with the theme "draw farm-animals". He made a lot of … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – drawings from the past
Last week, my son and I didn't manage to get three drawings done. We were both occupied with work, health and other things... but since you probably came over to see some drawings and you're here anyway, I did find an 'alternative' for our usual drawings... look at this! Here's a drawing I made … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 7th week
My son and I are still drawing but we both find that creating seven drawings a week is a little too much - we both have jobs, a partner and other things we want to do. However, we do like our drawing collaboration too much to let go, so we decided to lower the number, and make three drawings a week … [Read more...]
Drawing collaboration – 6th week
It was my son's turn last week to choose the themes for these daily drawings and he came up with quite a challenge! The first four prompts were way out of my comfort zone... take a look. (My drawings are on the left, Nout's on the right - click to enlarge) Draw (very schematically) complete … [Read more...]