... and the living is easy. Yes, I am living the easy live this Summer. My idea of vacation: sit on the couch and crochet while watching the "Tour de France." (***edited on July 28: I received a link to a pretty interesting article about the Tour de France - it's worth while reading!) The bicycle … [Read more...]
Too hot to handle an art journal…
My-oh-my... it's been ages since I wrote a proper blogpost... and it is certainly a long time ago (almost a month!) since I posted a photo of my workdesk. I almost did not join in today too due to computer problems. My beloved saved the day (for now... I hope to be able to finish this blogpost … [Read more...]
Crocheting and art journaling (woyww 415)
Hi there georgeous ones... are you enjoying your day? Does the sun shine as bright in your place as it does in mine? You can see it outside my window... the street outside is overexposed due to the bright sunlight. Still, I am in my atelier. For now anyway because there are some things I want to … [Read more...]
woyww #414 – all kinds of stuff
Spring is late this year… but I started to decorate my balcony with furniture I bought two weeks ago (remember my last blogpost in which I told you I was going to visit thrift stores with my parents? I found what I was looking for! I bought a small closet and small side-tables to put plants … [Read more...]