Good day y'all... I present to you an unexpected 'extra' blogpost this week, 'cause there's this little journal I want to show you and it's content needs some explanation so I thought I'd write about it in this seperate post. Last year, my overseas-internet-art-friend Robert Stockton send me a … [Read more...]
Friday haiku & tiny journal
Hi there lovely ones, Friday morning in the Netherlands and it looks like it is going to be a sunny day. That's why I picked this photo to write a haiku. Friday haiku Photo made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg De ochtendzon kleurt de duinen oranje en mijn gedachten geel Early … [Read more...]
Daylight saving time & woyww #408
Goodmorning lovelies. As you can see outside my window, it's a bit of a grey morning but we had lovely Spring weather in the last couple of days and I could sit on my balcony for the first time this year. I spend some hours reading and - yay - I got a bit of a tan too! I didn't look around much … [Read more...]
woyww#311 & tiny art journal
Another Wednesday... and it's been two weeks since I joined the fun at WOYWW and showed my desk. But hey, hello, I'm here now! WOYWW stands for What’s On Your Work desk? Wednesday, a blog-series hosted by Julia from the UK. Artists from all over the world post a photo of their desk on their blog and … [Read more...]
woyww #304 (snapshots)
I write this blogpost on Tuesday evening because I have an appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) and won't be around to photograph my desk or write a blogpost... there's not much to see on my work desk anyway. Well, there is, but I am working on an assignment that I cannot reveal yet so the major part of … [Read more...]
Quick (but not short!)
Here's a quick blog post for you because I have an appointment with my bathroom (I can hear him scream at the top of his lungs: "clean me, clean me...") and several boxes (they scream even louder: "unpack me, sort me, organize me...") However, this is not a short post! Instead of words, I let the … [Read more...]