The photo is made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg ... en dan nu het weer: overwegend harde wind. Aan zee stormachtig. ... and for the weather: strong wind, growing to storm in the coast areas (This storm was last week... today is nice and sunny and there's a 'Tribute to … [Read more...]
Visits, old postcards and woyww #531
Goodmorning dear ones and deskers, welcome to my atelier. There's not much to see on my desk though because my days were filled with people and trips... I usually spend my days in my atelier, just me, myself & I (and my beloved somewhere in da house) but last week old friends all seem to have … [Read more...]
The heat is gone! (woyww #530)
Goodmorning dear 'deskers' and all other followers... now that the heat wave is over, I'm back! Did you, overthere in the United Kingdom, had warm days too last week? It wasn't do-able here on the continent to sit in my atelier and blog (or create) because of the heat... pffff, I'm glad those … [Read more...]
Friday haiku & Chronicles
Goodmorning lovelies - I am here only for a minute, to post a haiku and show you my latest art journal spread, and when I've done that I'll be gone again 'cause these days The Netherlands suffer under the heath (over 40 degrees Celcius = more than 107 degrees Fahrenheit.) We are not used to … [Read more...]
“Forever going home” & woyww #528
Good morning, my creative online friends and deskers and good morning to every passer-by who stumbled upon my blog today. You want to see where I make art? You want to know what I'm up to these days? Come on in, I'll show you. WOYWW #528 There's two half-finished art journals on my desk. … [Read more...]
Chronicles – art journaling & woyww #527
Goodmorning lovelies, it's been a while since I wrote a 'normal' blogpost. I put all my energy in the Quirky Dutch Summer blogposts these days and BOY, this series of inspirational posts is popular! The Quirky Facebook group is buzzing and filling with beautiful pieces that participants create. If … [Read more...]
Friday haiku & Chronicles
Goodmorning lovely ones - I am back with a haiku today. The photo is again made by my friend Lena Schreijenberg Friday haiku boterbloemenveld kijk, alle kopjes draaien richting ochtendzon field of Buttercups their little heads all turn to the first daylight I submit this … [Read more...]