Some words 'taste better' than other words. Yes, 'taste'... hold them on your tongue. Press them against your palate like a toffee. That is the way to taste words. I love words. Words like Westenwind (which is far nicer than the English 'West wind') Kaleidoscoop (sounds the same in both … [Read more...]
Canada calling…
'Ring ring....' - 'ring ring....' M: 'Yes, who am I speaking to?' R: 'Hi sissy, it's your brother here' M: 'Aaah, hi bro! How are things in Canada?' R: 'We're alright, but what I'm calling for: I want to thank you!' M: '???? Thank me? For what?' R: 'For that piece on your blog the … [Read more...]
Brave women
I'm facing strange weeks... (Photo: Google streetview) No haiku today, but a poem my mum wrote in 1987 It says it all... " Vandaag verhuist ons kind. Zijn kamer ligt verborgen als een woord in een gedicht dat nog niet af is, maar dat een vergezicht geeft op iets waar voor … [Read more...]