I woke up very early this morning with one sentence in mind "vulnerable morning" I tasted the words in my mouth. An image came to mind. I wrote a haiku. Photo from the internet by Jetske Fotografie .. kwetsbare ochtend aarzelend komt de zon komt door schimmen lossen … [Read more...]
A Note and a Letter
My 'Quirky Dutch Summer event' - a series of inspirational posts in English and Dutch - starts June 12. Read all about it here. Mijn 'Quirky Dutch Summer' event - een serie inspirerende posts in het Engels én Nederlands - start op 12 Juni. Lees meer hier. Yesterday, my son called that he had … [Read more...]
After the last, stressful and busy weeks I decided I deserved a 'day off.' Yesterday was it! The sun was shining. The door to the garden was open and I started collecting all the gorgeous paper scraps I could find in the house. 'Playday, YAY!' I felt a bit rusty - I'm not in the creating flow … [Read more...]
Long story – short post
I have photos to show and things to tell 'cause last Saturday, I met Lea and Kimberly - an American and an English woman, who I know from blogging BUT I haven't had the time to edit the photos. Instead of rushing now to show you everything, I decided to give the photos as well as the … [Read more...]
Ancient images
Isn't the online world an amazing place? I'm grateful every day for the connections that I made with kindred souls over the years - and now something COOL is about to happen... I got to know Lea (from the US) and Kimberly (from the UK) through the haiku circle, and tomorrow they both will be … [Read more...]
And now for something…
...completely different. After all the excitement about the release of FEATURING magazine I spend the weekend with my mom at the poetry festival in Landgraaf. It was nice to be away from the computer, talk with my mom and the other poets (I know most of them from former meetings), take a … [Read more...]
Letters from the Wasteland
Some words 'taste better' than other words. Yes, 'taste'... hold them on your tongue. Press them against your palate like a toffee. That is the way to taste words. I love words. Words like Westenwind (which is far nicer than the English 'West wind') Kaleidoscoop (sounds the same in both … [Read more...]