Goodmorning Julia, goodmorning all deskers! Wednesday morning and no, I am not at work. I took this week off and am enjoying some me-time in my little atelier! After a busy October -month I now have time to relax and do all sorts of things that makes me happy, like picking up my mum on monday to go … [Read more...]
big, bigger, BIGGEST (woyww #680)
By Marit 16 Comments

Hi there, goodmorning! This blogpost is scheduled - I type this on Sunday - 'cause after a long day of work I don't feel like crawling behind the computer in the evening, and on Wednesday morning I have to start early again. My job is three days a week and Wednesday is a working day for me, but when … [Read more...]
Messy, miscellaneous woyww blogpost
By Marit 14 Comments

Good morning sweeties, glad to see you again. It's been two weeks... yes, I skipped last week's Wednesday blogpost because I got all occupied with my art. I went into some sort of creative flow and didn't want to disturb that, so I kept on going. As a result, I have a lot to show you. I won't … [Read more...]