Goodmorning fellow deskers! This will be the last Wednesday that I'll be able to join woyww for a while - I took Wednesdays off of work for three weeks in a row and this is the last one, next week I'll be at work again. Last Sunday I spend the afternoon making gelli prints and recording the … [Read more...]
Woyww 593
Goodmorning lovelies! This blogpost is scheduled 'cause as you know, today is a work day for me and I will spend my day at the atelier at the ZEEUWS ARCHIEF. And that, of course, counts as a 'studio' and there's things on my workdesk there as well... I thought you might find it intersting to see a … [Read more...]
Friday haiku, scrapbooking & art journaling
Goodmorning lovelies, a working week lies behind me and I'm glad to be back at work! I love routine, I love to work in the conservation and restoration studio at the Zeeuws Archief and an additional advantage is that my days off really feel like days off again! Friday is such a day that I can spend … [Read more...]
My desk, a layout and an art journal page
Morning sweeties! Another Wednesday, and time for another round of artist's desks - the 'desk-tribe' got together again on Julia's blog to leave their links. Lovely Julia is our hostess for the 580th time, you can almost say we watched her growing up (or 'aging' *LOL*) If you're curious to see what … [Read more...]
A scrap layout, art journal spreads and woyww #578
Hello there sweeties, everything OK with you still? I sure hope so! I'm doing allright and spend most of my days in my atelier, especially on rainy days like today. Since it's the first day of the month, I plan on writing a newsletter but I might postpone that and do it tomorrow 'cause I always … [Read more...]
Being a mum & woyww #571
Goodmorning lovely ones! It's another Wednesday and I have no tasks or obligations to fulfill today - which means I can do whatever I want and play in my atelier all day, yay! (Doesn't it sound like a poem? I have no tasks or obligations to fulfill today I can do whatever like play in my … [Read more...]
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