Another Wednesday and another day in the studio... yes dear ones, I spend some hours in the studio so come on in to see what I created... Before I show you the latest, here's a golden oldie scrapbook layout – lifted from one of my old scrapbook albums. (I don't create … [Read more...]
WOYWW #208 – 4th Anniversary!!
Yoohoo - Today WOYWW celebrates its fourth anniversary. Happy 4th Anniversary to everyone that takes part in the What's on Your Work desk Wednesday and especially HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Julia who's brain child this is. I am glad to join in the fun every Wednesday. [If you have no idea what … [Read more...]
Haiku – ATC – Link Love
Hey there sweeties... Friday again, and you know what that means don't you?! Haiku My Heart Friday Indische duinen Waar die andere God woont De eeuwige bron Indian Dunes Where The Other God Lives The Fountainhead For more haiku, visit Rebecca at Recuerda … [Read more...]
Easter Haiku / Weekend
Cold day lovelies... errmmm, I mean GOOD day of course - xcuse-me, but "cold" is on our minds here in Holland lately. When I woke up this morning, I found a white world outside my window... Grrrr, it had snowed. AGAIN *sigh* The snow melted during the morning, but still: it is too cold … [Read more...]
Warm thoughts…
... of you: for leaving me all those lovely birthday wishes last Tuesday. ... of you: for visiting the FEATURING website and facebook page, and being enthusiastic and of course for buying the magazine. ... of Josie George: who wrote this cheering blogpost. ... of fireplaces in the house … [Read more...]
Yes Sir…
... and Ma'am, here's an extra post for you. How come? Well, I dared Phinner the other day to both make something for the challenge at Scrapping the Music - I did my part :D and to be in time for the deadline (June 27) I post it right now. Challenge 201A is the song 'It's a good Life' … [Read more...]
Holding on to its tail
Vuurtoren - Westkapelle Schemering valt in de vuurtoren twijfelt nog mag het licht al aan? Lighthouse - Westkapelle Island at dusk, the lighthouse seems to hesitate may I flare up yet? Written for 'Haiku My Heart Friday'. For more haiku and photos, visit Rebecca here … [Read more...]