Last week, I worked on an art journal page inspired by Russian Constructivism and showed you examples of posters that worked as a kick start for a Chronicles art journal page in the same style (see this post.) The journal lay on my work desk and gave you an idea of where it was heading, and today I … [Read more...]
Week after week
Week after week I create a page in my "Chronicles" art journal. It's the perfect place to play in, reflect on the past week and wind down... I have been keeping (just writing) dairies since I was 10 years old, but the daily writing somehow stopped when I gave birth to my son (1992.) I wrote … [Read more...]
woyww #307 & carved stamps
Things are finally slowing down this week... the Spring Fair I was preparing for in the past week is done and was a success (see this post for a photo-impression) and the commission I am working on is half-way, I will need a week or two to finish it but over-viewing my to-do list and deadlines I … [Read more...]
woyww #306 & yellow pages
Good morning lovelies, good morning desk hoppers! Yep, it's What's On Your Work desk Wednesday, time for another round of desk hopping. I wasn't around last week as I knew up front that I would not be able to visit the other artists' desks, but I have my hopes up for this week. I am determined to … [Read more...]
A special follower
Days, no, weeks fly by and my Chronicles art journal contains old pages I did not post yet. I have the feeling I keep on running behind so today I show you two week-pages from March (and OH-MY we are half-way in April already!) You can tell from how the pages look that they were made fast... I don't … [Read more...]
Future plans
Now that my blog** (and website) have a new look it is time to share my future plans with you. I hope writing them down here helps me to get my plans more clear and that it will work as a reminder for myself as well... I thought about starting a 'bullet journal' to jot down my plans and ideas (as I … [Read more...]
woyww 302 & a chunky chronicles spread
Time flies! Suddenly, it is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday again and I have not visit nearly as much artist's desk blogs last week as I planned to...the link list is always very long and although I try to hop over to take a peek at a lot of the other desk photos, I don't manage to visit you all … [Read more...]