Goodmorning dear ones, how are you doing in your part of the world? In the Netherlands things start to loosen up a little. The following text is copied from the Government website: The Netherlands’ approach is aimed at keeping the virus under control as much as possible in order to protect … [Read more...]
Chronicles art journal & Friday haiku
Goodmorning lovelies. How are you all doing, still in lockdown and banging your head against the walls by now? I hope you can keep calm and stay safe! Last Tuesday our government gave another press conference declaring a relaxation of the lockdown sanctions. The Netherlands is cautiously getting … [Read more...]
Art journaling & woyww #570
Hi there lovelies - another week flew by and it's again Wednesday. Another day of 'intelligent lockdown' overhere in the Netherlands, which means we are allowed to go outside for a walk or shopping (with restricions, of course.) I saw on tv that a lot of people are fed up with this crisis and go … [Read more...]
Art journaling & woyww #568
Hi-hi, goodmorning sweeties, or better 'good afternoon' 'cause I start typing this a few minutes before noon and I guess when I hit the publish button, it will be after lunch. Anyway, how are you doing? I hope all my woyww-desk-friends are still healthy and alive and kickin'... hope to check you all … [Read more...]
Chronicles, mail art & woyww #566
Hi there, goodmorning lovely ones! How are you all, locked up in your homes and gardens? I'm doing well overhere. The sun is shining, Spring is here and I just watered my plants on the balcony. I plan on working some today (see below) and maybe sit in the sun for a bit. I am not ill but I don't look … [Read more...]
Haiku & Chronicles
Goodmorning sweeties, how are y'all doing? Still healthy and safe I hope. Are you bored yet? I know of a lot of people who get bored after almost three weeks of isolation (and the end is not in sight yet, in the Netherlands we have to stay in self isolation at least until April 28.) The province of … [Read more...]
to run without leaving home
Goodmorning y'all, how are you doing in the midst of this pandemic? I hope you are healthy and stay inside as much as possible. I don't have much words for everything that is happening right now, so I sit in my atelier and cut out images to create collages. A friend of mine dropped art-magazines in … [Read more...]